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%1$ Comments267

    1:99 thats why ur never going to gm my dawg

    Literally the views when I clicked the video. 96696😂and 9 hours ago.

    You never get an actual Catalan in that rating range. Nobody ever takes the free pawn!

    Discord notification
    Me – goes to check messages
    Levy – "That was not your Discord, that was my Discord."

    Can you do an episode on how to win at chess 200-400 elo? Might be more useful for your viewers

    I'd love to see HTWAC for 2000-2200. Perhaps a rapid format may be better suited for more instructive content.

    Hi Levy! I’m 23 and your videos are pretty much the only thing that I look forward to (besides sports) I Hope you continue to succeed in life

    After your opponent blunders the pawn I think he yelled “I’m losing a piece making me the victor! Face to foot style how”d you like it?

    This was my favourite series :3

    levy please tell us your thoughts on the rap war

    Levy, keep these coming bro. Love the series. I did like 10 min games better. More time for instruction.

    Good Content, Gotham! Love it. Thanks for the free tips 😉

    38:00 bro this isn’t bullet. Why play moves in .5 seconds? Like seriously why, what’s the point of playing anything but bullet.

    I want to play in one of these. Would be fun

    Promises 30 second episode. Episode is actually much longer.

    Bro, two days ago i was 920, now i'm 1100, i feel like i'm magnus carlssen

    If I was a famous streamer, I would put a random product in the background and refuse to talk about it. Perhaps deny it's existence.

    Damn it I can't predict my opponents moves because 99% of the time I'm wrong.

    This looks way to long to be the 30 second episode 🙂

    Thank you – we need more of these kind of videos!

    Lovely game can you make up a video on famous openings and defence

    "I get it you're playing me"
    Levi after saying this: 🗿

    How about we don't pin children or man babies looking for attention anymore, and start pinning a kind comment. Best way to promote degenerate behavior, is to give morons attention

    Hey Levy, choosing between buying your book or a course, I am 1400 rapid, what's better for improvement at this level?

    i love this series and the road to gm as well, keep up man

    Let's go!
    Also love your chess videos Gotham ^-^.
    I think I can effectively say you've generated almost all of my love for the game which is now self sustaining but I still regularly watch and enjoy practically everything from ya.
    One day I'll be significantly better then I am now! 💜

    Please don't stop making this type of videos 😢.

    Alright Levy you're just making up opening names at this point

    Gotham please do an introductory Shogi Chess Video!

    41:41 Don’t worry, you’re only off by a couple hundred years.

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