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%1$ Comments267

    Such a simple but wonderful format. I talk about the games as I play them. Just gold.

    Wait, could you hold up your chess cards again, I was wondering how does the knight move?

    This is just an excuse for levy to beat 1200 🤦‍♂️

    So why don't you win grandmasters?

    IM kidding

    2:05 "I never play the Sicilian defense." While he's playing the Sicilian Defense.

    19:14 I also get upset when my opponent doesn't play the way I want him to.

    26:19 Black's queen CAN take the knight, but then we have pawn takes queen, which is only about equal.

    37:05 Toddler voice: "You pushed your pawn, so I'm going to push MINE!!!!"

    Please include more of the lower elos, it would be great since more of the people are there…

    I was online when this happend and i asked you to play so many times 🙁 and you didnt accept 🙁

    How to win at chess: opponent doesn't show up ✔ win ✔

    hey where can i send u a game that u can review for a video of guess the elo, i think you'll find it very interesting…

    How can I play with you on these videos?

    Magnus Carlsen ❌
    Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2)✅

    Day 3 of asking Gotham chess to fight cool math games chess

    Wow Great checkmate last game Back rank checkmate

    Nd5 I spotted as well for possible forks Knight move to d5 than Nf6+ also forks Queen but you decided Ne5 attacking his Queen

    Gotham you should play the ponziani in ep 33 if you get the chance to show how strong it is especially against intermediate players

    I wanna see u play tyler in this series it would be funny

    That was so funny 😂 about to checkmate your opponent he takes mad time on the move right before Nice Checkmate

    I missed this series! Thanks for bringing it back

    3 things are certain in life:

    1. Death
    2. Taxes
    3. Levi opponent being offline

    you feel proud because you see weakness in me at least be proud on your achievement maybe you didn't achieve anything to be proud of it I have to tell you you look like an idiot you really are maybe stupid I don't know or dum what do you think oh I'm so sorry I didn't know that you don't have the weapon to think that's because your IQ is like a algae

    When you had the Rook pinned you could’ve attacked his Queen with your Rook instead of opting to tripling up on the c file and getting the Bishop and knight but ok

    I dont think you need to know ideas behind your opening at 1200. The biggest difference between 800-1600 is time to one-move blunder. At 1200, just defend your pieces and dont 1-move blunder in the first 15-20 moves. Your opponent will. 1500s are still one-move blundering in more complicated positions in the mid-game. The players who know openings at 1200 are almost always disproportionately bad at everything else because they win through some memorized positions or gimmicks

    I ordered the Chess Deck for my dog. Instantly increased his elo by 300. Perfect investment.

    “I want you to listen to me for like 30 second”
    me 30 seconds later

    "I'm running out of non-winning moves….."

    Yess!! Love this series! Also, awesome episode. Very instructive! Thank you 😁

    I don’t understand why comments that are negative to Levy get more likes???

    This is the best news – This series is so helpful, I'm still terrible at chess but I'm slightly less terrible now!

    I really enjoy this kinda danya style content that youve started making, keep it up!

    So glad you brought it back @gothamchess! I've been playing since I was a kid, but never got past 1050 until this series. I understand so much more about chess now.

    I hope someday my chess is next level 😢

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