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%1$ Comments267

    I learned the traxler from you and NO ONE I play will give me the opportunity to play it 😂 how is this my luck

    Levy can you analyze my games I will give you 50 bucks per minute of video where you analyze my games its account daliborM02

    Makes me really happy to see this format again. Thanks Sir

    When you become da Gotham I am da Gotham in me

    New Youtube" how to use the app, book and cards for dummies or chess illerate" youtubers — a funny short youtube!

    Gotham been running this series for like three years and he STILL cooks

    “You’re going to spot stuff like that”
    No, I don’t think that I ever will.

    Ask a someone from New Zealand to say “The Chess Deck”

    Thumbnail is so fire🔥haircut fire too

    rule #1 do like gothamchess DECLARE YOUR FOR NAKAMURA

    26:12 if black 1. QxC6 and you play NF6,
    2.QxF6, PxF6,
    3. PxF6
    the you traded a rook, a knight and a pawn for queen. Isn't that equal?
    Sorry, still a beginner here

    when I got here, it was at 333 comments. I came here to say that.

    hi, bought the book and I got your app which now that I'm understanding a little better I'm enjoying and for an old person that's been punched in the head. Yes in New York City people run punch you in the head I might even help me with my brain. So may I suggest you find someone like me and show how to use the app with someone who's like completely confused and just the very beginning and walk through some of it someone complicated in thinking as I or someone who you just think is chess illiterate and did it with your book if someone their brain is so tired from Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, the news, etc. how would I approach my learning show us open the book give us some hints and find someone who is chess illiterate and be nice to them

    i was about to go watch a 1300-1600 elo video but he uploads this loool

    Levy make a series once a week or two to answer our questions? We all have specific questions and we'd love your input.


    Day 15 of asking levy for a GTE episode

    I always see advantage in trading bishop for a night: im afraid of every move the Knights can play afer It goes to the 3rd ir 6th rank… I hate Knights, lol

    It’s only been a month since the last one brother, it wasn’t dead😭

    I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm within the same range, that second game against a 1400. I totally understood why that guy didn't want to take the pawn. And levy kept making it seem like a totally stupid move 😅😅😅😅

    Levy, how do you choose your opponents?

    Hello. So, what I want to do with this message is to simply show what the Gospel is. I am not trying to force my belief down people's throats. It's your choice whether you want to accept it. Please read the whole text.

    So, a question: Do you think you are a good person? If so, have you ever stolen anything, lied, looked lustfully, watched adult material? All of those are sins and anyone who sinned is not good(on God's standard). You, I and most( most because babies don't sin, and maybe specifically mentally Ill people) purely human beings have violated God's moral law. Since God is just, He can't let sin go just like that.

    So is there any hope? Yes, there is. Out of love and mercy, God became a human being, Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a sinless life and finally died on the cross to bear the punishment we deserve, we deserve to be punished because we have sinned.

    The reason why blood must be spilled for forgiveness of sins is because the life of the flesh is in the blood, in the Old Testament Jews sacrificed animals for sins but the sacrifice of animals were enough to temporarily cover some sins. (it did not allow forgiveness of sins, unlike Jesus's, it only temporarily covered them). Jesus is the Lamb of God, the ultimate sacrifice for sins which is enough for all sins that have been done, are done and will be done. Jesus was buried and rose again. His resurrection proved that His death was enough to pay our penalty, the penalty for our sins. Jesus paid our penalty and in order to accept the free gift of salvation from God, we must trust in Jesus's spilled Blood, His finished work on the Cross for our Salvation. And then your sins will be forgiven because of what Christ did, you will be saved. See: Romans 3:1 , Romans 3:23 , Romans 5:12 , Romans 6:23 , Romans 5:8-9, Romans 10:9-10 , Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV, John 3:16 KJV, Leviticus 17:11 , Ephesians 1:7 , Colossians 1:20, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 .

    "It may not be the best plan, but it's my plan". So sincere Levy, love it!

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 but very good video!

    This was way longer than a 30-second episode Kappa

    You know what should be brought back? Gte

    Hikaru: "to become a GM you need to play main line openings like the Sicilian"
    Levy: starts by demolishing a 1200

    I will not do anything if people like this comment

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