I Actually Played a Decent Game
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Zdenko Vanđija – Antonio Radić
Croatian League 2023.04.03
D05 Queen’s pawn game, Colle System
1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.e3 e6 4.b3 Be7 5.Bb2 O-O 6.Bd3 Nbd7 7.Nbd2 c5 8.O-O b6 9.Ne5 Bb7 10.f4 Rc8 11.Qe2 Ne4 12.Nxd7 Qxd7 13.Nxe4 dxe4 14.Bc4 Bf6 15.Rfd1 Qc7 16.Rac1 Rfd8 17.c3 cxd4 18.cxd4 Qe7 19.a3 Rc7 20.Ba6 Rdc8 21.Bxb7 Rxc1 22.Bxc8 Rxc8 23.Qa6 Rc2 24.Bc1 Qc7 25.Bd2 Rxd2
00:00 Hello Everyone!
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Antonio Radić
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Video created by OBS
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@agadmator, I so much hate these positions as black. White has the Knight on e5 and dictates what happens in the game and I just have to wait. Could you please show some games on how to deal with such plans? Please 🙏 #suggestions
You play well, know most theory, strong at openings, but what you lack the most is CONFIDENCE… especially in middle and end games
Plzzz dnt show ur games. We are not interested in this. Try showing only top games
🎉🎉 Well done brother! It felt like I won the match along with you 😅
Showing your own games is very instructive because you know yourself what your ideas were. Nice game.
I learned so much in this video. Thanks a lot
How did the team do?
Just for fun can you please cover the game between manny pacquiao and efren reyes, a boxing legend vs a pool legend, thanks
Congratulations! Well played!
Good advice for black attacker
Stop fokking around!
Has Antonio ever farted on camera? If so, pls reply with link
Great game! Also, I think this the first game of yours when I got both pause-the-video moments right, not just from guesses, but from calculating the results accurately…which for a chess chump like me, feels like a real achievement. I mean I was literally jumping for joy lol!
Just wanted to write and say thank you for your wonderful content. As a chess player, your videos and commentary are not only entertaining but also educational. Your analysis helps us understand the complexities of this beautiful game. Many thanks for your work and insight.❤
The humility is admirable
Nothing like a team pressure to up someone's game.
We need a tournament for the chess YouTubers. I'm taking down everyone that's not a GM or IM 🙂
Agads style is so awesome, truly aggressive and tactical, never backing down from a challenge spotted
I would like to thank you expressly for your work, with which you save many treasures of chess from oblivion. I hope that at some point your channel will be recognised by chess federations and that you will receive some kind of official honour.
P.S.: The Colle-system is a frequently played position, because many players want to avoid the confusing variety of variations of the Indian or Slavonic systems. In the transition to the middle game, however, many make the mistake of trying to somehow wring a win out of this balanced opening through unclear ideas. This is also the case here with the queen move to a6., which you then immediately punished! Good work;-)!
Loved it!!! More please!!
When you don't know what to play just try to find a move that will improve your position, even if it is slightly.
That's a golden rule.
You should have told them what we did after the match
Well it’s about time
What is that memorial turnament mentioned in 0:38?
Congrats Antonio. It was a solid game. Human, understandable moves, not engine nonsense, like if you play a move, you have to have a 20 moves plan ahead to capitalize later.
Nice. Thanks
Tomorrow is a holiday.. I will record my first variation which are an improvement.. Target is to complete the whole 3 pawns up variation in 10
How it should have gone: "Hello Everyone, B4!" End of video.
Not all 0.00 positions are created equal. Engines evaluate from an engine perspective. Humans play from different ones.
There’s no difference to engines whether there’s one good move or plenty; and whether the reason for the move to be good is hidden many moves in advance or obviously clear. They will say the position is 0.00 regardless.
There are positions that are more “blundering” than others, which means one side has actually a slight advantage. Humans can also bluff, gambit, take risks just to put pressure on the other side.
Engines are immune to all that. They don’t understand. They don’t get tired. They evaluate accordingly.
I have a similar approach. I rarely play, don't over prepare, and just try to "play good chess" [the Capa plan].
dear lord he really likes to talk about him
Theres an old British saying "Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey". Saying that if you want to catch a monkey you have to make quiet moves and be patient. Sometimes used by the police to indicate if yo want to catch a clever crook, patience is the way and wait for them to make a mistake. Nicely done.
I did correctly predict your last two pause the video moves. I did not guess the engine move. 🤣
Decent, like Hikaru
Thanks for sharing, knowledge is very different than wisdom.. glad you won this game in fear and trembling.
Nice win Agad. I found the PTV, but you found and precalculated it OTB, most impressive.
Peak Agadmator
content ❤
i really enjoy these personal games, great commentary
After watching this video i realize how strong this quote from Bobby Fischer is "I don’t believe in psychology. I believe in good moves" when facing opponent that stronger than me i often question my moves as blunder or not even though i know the move is good one in the first place, i really can feel and relate with agadmator on this video
not the best haircut😁
The PNG in the description seems like a totally different game
Edit: Now it's fixed
I literally got goosebumps after realising you would take this match home. congrats my homie.
Hey Antonio, the pgn in the description below is wrong, I think it's the other game you played in the league when they went for the Scandinavian
رائع جدا
Nice haircut, you look fresh 🙂 (not that you usually do not)
Instead of Agad's Qc7 i actually found Qd7 and the Bxd4 idea. Can't believe it. I am Stockfish 😭😂
I like to hear your thoughts on your own game.