I BEAT A GM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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%1$ Comments144

    That's what we need, whatever happens, this shows Levy has what it takes!

    In one year or two, we will be all watching videos from GM Levy Rozman.

    Gotham is the GOAT! 😀
    That's an insane start to the comeback, I'm honestly really hype to see what comes after!

    Dude this is incredible, I'm so happy that things are going right for you, let the GM norm come baby!!!

    So proud of you Levy! Much deserved

    this is so nice Levy, I'm proud of you

    Nice trick to get people signed up there is no worldwide leaderboard where u can play

    Waiting for that "BEAT A" to be "BECOME"

    I'm more excited for this than for the world champion matches

    Epic game! That rook ending was brutal. Congrats Levy, keep it up. 🚀

    Happy for you! It's so cool how all the time you spend creating courses, commentary, analysis, ended up giving you some rapid calculation skills that you didn't even know you have!

    Total exclamation point counter in this tournaments video titles: 15

    He has been beating gms… but yeah go levy!

    What I like about Levy is his real emotions. He doesn't pretend or exaggerate

    Was he so confident going into the first match because he had a full charge on the plug

    I can't believe Lev just leaned over the chessboard and punched a GM just like that. Crazy.

    Levy, what if your opponents view your preparation on Patreon? Won't that give advantage to them?

    Gotham never fails to spam the exclamation marks in the title!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey Levy, I sincerely hope you attain the GM title. If you do, you should change the name of your channel to G(M)othamChess

    Next video: I BEAT MAGNUS CARLSEN!!!!!!!!!

    good for you genuinely, now don't fuck it up

    for the first time i was checking chess on twitch and i saw ur game, even if that was a muted stream i've watched the entire game

    i was just like gotham when i defeated 1200 elo 😂😂😂😂😂😂 i was also soo proud of myself and happy too

    btw it was really nice to see gm neiksans providing actual insights in twitch chat during the livestream amidst all the 500 elo delusional moves getting typed in chat 💀

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