This is Road to GM Episode 18.

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%1$ Comments120

    I would like to see what the Supreme Court has to say.

    You should start playing blindfolded in classical chess tournaments 😂

    KRAMNIK: HMMMMMMMM… that's INTERESTING, let's do the procedure

    What happened? Stockfish didn't load properly?😅

    im 2000 rated in bullet and 600 rated in the ten minute games love bullet and blitz hate classic

    Weird how Hans doesn't play well on stream, but wins against Magnus. Levy is automatic GM since he beat the guy that beat Magnus.

    It's super nice to see my favorite chess player playing in such a great way against these monster chess players and as always an entertaining and useful video for learners like me.

    Look how happy he is 😂🎉 by the Congregation 😁

    14:58 i saw that move too am i a worthy of becoming a gm 🤩🤩levy better be careful im going to crush you once i become a gm (I'm 900)

    I'm so proud man, GG and go on! 💪🏻

    How the heck was this video title not clickbait?!

    congrats, Hans is very strong even without his beads

    Levy i lost to a 600 and im a 1000 my confidence to play chess completely demolished i am struggling to go back to it again how can i be confident again to play im completely heart broken💔💔

    Levy a video before 'no more chess' 😂😂😂😂

    All the best to Hans on his journey to world chess champion.

    watching Levy and Hans' POV side by side XD

    Levy never fails to beat vibrating mechanisms.

    Levy: You guys don't even know what a Sicilian is.

    Me: Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! 💀

    Imagine what the title of his video would be if he ever beats the goat magnus 😂

    Hans will never recover from this game! Congratulations

    Honestly Levi uploading such a clickbait-like title and following up with the calmest intro ever is so weird (its not even clickbait this time but still)

    Levy plays someone way higher rated than him and wins? Interesting. Now we do the procedure.

    🏆…hans was being an arrogant prick and levy baptized him. Amen 🙏

    I watched the match. Good job brother!

    Niemann beated Magnus, Levy beated Niemann.
    So Levy>Magnus

    you beat hans niemann and hans niemann beat magnus carlsen, so you've beat magnus too

    Hans regretted playing the Caro half way through. Listening to him during the game was fun. He's pretty entertaining.

    One day we'll see levy playing in the candidates

    So proud of your growth, Levi!! Keep up the great work.

    Gothamchess: doesn’t matter, you guys don’t even know what a Sicilian is

    Me: but Gotham sir, I do know what a Sicilian is… it’s a type of Pizza

    You are up with these top players Levy. Great stuff! Keep at it!

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