This is Road to GM Episode 18.

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%1$ Comments120

    you have to appreciate Levi's humility. Well done!

    Excuse you? A Sicilian is someone from Sicily. Check and mate, bozo.

    Your delight is contagiously inspiring (especially cos you're trying to contain it). Not just for chess, but as a general attitude for life. I hope you continue on what seems to be a most fulfilling journey

    Guys it's official

    Hans > Magnus
    Levy > Hans
    Magnus > Levy

    Lets go! Cant wait to see few more future world champion level players(like pragg gukesh alireza arjun etc) to be hunted by levi

    day 3 of trying my acc reviewed by gothamchess

    acc: dontletmecook87
    status: hard stuck 1000/1100 elo for weeks or month. i mainly play rapid because quality over quantity. im 12 yrs old, on 7th grade and playing chess just because its fun and interesting for me.

    I saw rook e7!!:D wp wp wp rlly beautiful game also d5 was hot

    where can we download this extension? i struggle from the same reasons

    The comment about the haters. Isn't it a fair point that OTB you will know who you're playing? Not sure why you're getting weirdly triggered about it rather than making a counter argument. Great win btw.

    like fucking clockwork I got hans and levy's pov on this game and hans losing after talking so much smack was fking beautiful. looking for when you get your gm title levy.

    Does anybody know what extension he is using for name hiding

    "I cant take the queen cuz he takes my king". Understood. Have a nice day.

    this is the 8th video about hans & levy in the past 48 hours, COME ONE 😂😂

    The comparison of their streams when Levy plays Re7 is now my live wallpaper

    If he didnt hide the name he wouldnt have won, im not saying that as an insult, genuinely i think hiding the names is a good idea and its why i shut voice chat off in video games.

    Beating no names and bragging about it 🤣🤣

    I'm sure, Hans Niemand changed Levy's name to GoddamnChess in his phonebook

    Levy's level is among the highest. But his anxiety when playing very good players or famous players is his only weakness. Hope you get the GM title soon, Levy!

    Hans tries to imitate Magnus, and not in a positive way, but in a negative way. He imitates Magnus and tries to take his place in chess, my advice to him is: Be yourself you will become more beautiful

    What is the extension Levy is using to hide opponents name and rank?

    ah yes the Svešnikov Sicilian.. Not idea what you're saying LOL

    Sorry if it sounds stupid, but you said that this is your highest win and in the same Video said you wont against Alireza 36XX elo. I'm really quite confused !!

    Hans was very comical watching his live play by play reaction, I watched his video first, cause it was hilarious and I knew it would be


    From this triumph I activated all my notifications to follow you, I think that very soon you will achieve the title of grandmaster, and from today you will have a fan who speaks Spanish who will follow your games

    greetings from Mexico.🇲🇽

    Hikaru said there would be hundreds of thousands of views… Let's get this W a million+ 💪

    "I'm just vibin'" – Han Niemann (OG YT commenter to created the meme before it took off)

    Guys those who came to watch levy scream the rook, he didn't scream sad for us.

    Good job man, even Hikaru is impressed 😁

    Levy getting out of his head. Love to see it

    everyone needs to watch the side by side of their streams

    kramnik and hans doing the procedure right now

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