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%1$ Comments865

    Well played…you pulled a pro chess move and fooled me until i realized it was April fools! 😂

    Bruhhhhhh even after the video ended i didnt realise it was a joke. Either your actings out of this world or I'm stupid. Or both. Regardless I loved the video thanks a lot!

    Just wondering is it possible to gift someone a chessly course?


    I was watching like “NO WAY is this Magnus playing” 😂

    That stare into the screen at the start of videos are so goated lol

    i dont remember but this match is from women chess tournament or something idk.
    but the real thing is levy is clickbaiter

    im 700 elo and I played in a 3 min tournament. I kept getting paired with 1400s

    Guys. The day this video was posted was April first. April fools day. I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that he beat the best chess player in the world on April fools day. That’s just me though.

    Funny that you send this one first April it’s totally not an April fools😄👍

    Isnt this the same game pattern from dina belenkaja vs gajevski in the reykjavik tournament in iceland?🧐

    Lesson: dont make 4 king moves in the middle of the game


    This is actually believable. I mean a drunk Magnus could have played a casual game against you where he f-cked around a little bit(4 king moves).

    last years GM announcement and the Magnus win got me both times

    Good work Levy, you deserve this great win

    just when I thought I didn't get trolled for April Fools…

    From all your subscribers… LEVY, CONGRATULATIONS!!

    "I might not ever play"
    – Levy Rozman (2023)

    I just wanna talk about 13:55 where the engine says M13, "Levy" plays Kh1 which gets a ?! from the evaluation, but then after a moment it realises that now it's actually M10. That was the real brilliant move all along.

    1. e4 e5
    2. Nf3 d6
    3. d4 exd4
    4. Nxd4 Nc6
    5. Nxc6 bxc6
    6. c4 h6
    7. Bd3 Nf6
    8.O-O Bg4
    9. f3 Bd7
    10. Nc3 c5
    11. Nb5 Bxb5
    12. cxb5 g5
    13. Qa4 Nd7
    14. Bd2 Ne5
    15. b6+ Qd7
    16. Qxd7+ Nxd7
    17. bxc7 Rc8
    18. Ba5 Ne5
    19. Ba6 Ra8
    20. Bb7 Rd8
    the game i just played im so proud of my self white


    slide the queen and bait it, they are gonna take it,
    big mistake
    resign now
    you can't save it
    take the pawn and check em,
    if they offer the queen let em
    and then let them you who sent you
    you know?
    the bobby bo show?

    Best chess streamer and a win against the GOAT
    2023 really looking up for Levy🙌🏾🙌🏾

    Another reason why i think levy should get a gm title

    I know it's April fools video but i am gonna still watch it.

    It would be very cool if this were real, too bad it's April folls

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