I Challenged “Russian Paul,” The Strongest Chess Hustler in NYC

Alexandra played few games against Russian Paul, who is considered the best chess hustler in Union Square Park. Drop a like and tell us in the comments, what city with a strong chess culture you think sisters should visit next!
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%1$ Comments564

    Too bad, if you had won you could have date him. 😀 😉

    She got me. I thought she's definitely gonna win.

    When he moved his queen to f3 he should’ve move the knite to f3 would’ve been better

    Definitely intense!!!..thank you so much^_^..I learnt a lot from this game…kf2 on the 20th move would have been a great line to play♥️

    The continuos talking it’s just so annoying

    Rumours has it Russian Paul is still winning keys to peoples rides, homes this very day.

    The fact that I watched till the end and end up confused!! Wth who won?

    She is not playing well at all. He totally destroyed her pawn structure in a few moves. And to pretend she didn't see the bishop at the end… come on. Players of this level don't accidentally forget a piece on the board. So either she's not the level she claims to be or she gave him the game to save herself the embarrassment of having to admit she is not as good as he is.

    orang disebelah kiri cewek itu lihat catur sambil megang anunya 😃..
    aq rasa anunya berontak dan gak mau diam wkkk 😀

    Of the 16 world chess champions, 10 are Russians.

    Nampak begitu cantik dengan gaun warna putih sepertinya aku mau menghabiskan waktu bersamanya

    Two whites and behind them two blacks. Like in chess

    Девочка шикарная

    You’re smart AF. Never change! Salute. 🔥😁💅🏼

    look at her….she is damn beautiful…i fall in love with this girl. ❤️❤️❤️


    Hebrews 4:12
    For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    Why so much hassle? The lady is pretty poor player, 1800sh?

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