I Checkmated Him in 14 Moves…

This is what happens when a swede plays chess against a Norwegian…

This was filmed at Café du Laurierboom in Amsterdam 🙂

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#annacramling #chess #blitz

%1$ Comments340

    brilliant how Anna just completely disarms the guy, continuously firing questions with that feminine charm so he doesn't have any brain left to concentrate on the game.😄

    Oof, that was a really bad loss. Moving the queen 5 times in the opening. wow

    WOW! Chess champ goes around beating the general public, then rubs their noses in it.
    What a legend of Narcissism.

    blah blah blah blah ! – i went to watch cars !

    I kind of feel like Anna was trying to push a narrative too hard in this video. With the whole clickbaity 'I'm better' in the thumbnail, then hope she tries to rile him up to get some rivalry going, but this dude is just genuinely nice and chill, respectful of her skill, asks her about her game with Magnus. I feel bad for him that she's trying to paint him worse than he is. Such a sweet guy. He's just there for a good time :<

    I am an American with ~25% Norwegian ancestry, but hey – Sweden rocks!

    Anna, you can checkmate me any time you want to !! 🙂

    you don't get better playing someone who you can beat easily. He probably learned quite a bit from this game.

    "Works sometimes… especially against the bots"🥶

    A pawn and then 6 queen moves in a row. Not worthy of Anna's time.

    I Will Tell her…..please gimme a break just play

    What's up with the click bait title? He seemed quite humble to me

    People in both countries have an average IQ of 97, but Norwegians make twice as much income per month than Swedes and bachelor's degrees are the most common tertiary attainment for both as well. Norwegians get paid so much better. Why would anyone want to get robbed for labor in Sweden?

    they had such a nice vibe together- they would make a really nice couple!

    " …, you play well" 🙂 … this makes my day 🙂

    This guy is an absolute beginner wtf?

    Bluffing softly, as he did, didn't help. The fact that he moved his Queen so early on, basically exposing her, was enough for Anna. If you watch it again, you'll notice her respect immediately dropped, but she didn't let on that he was basically doomed from that moment on. Personally, I thought 14 moves was long, but she decided to prolong the agony…

    I looked up Café du Laurierboom in Amsterdam on Google Earth and was looking through the pictures of the cafe and there was Anna sitting and playing chess. I felt like I knew her. I know I need a life but I'm hooked on watching chess on YouTube now.

    Norway's just pissed because they didn't come up with ABBA….

    well if I played Anna I would lose in 13 or less moves, so he can take heart.

    In the beginning I was thinking 'that guy sounds Dutch'…, then hearing they are in Amsterdam and he's been living in NL for 8 years. My ears haven't betrayed me, great 😌

    Anna's technique consists of talking to her opponent to distract him so she can beat him hahaha.

    He was a good sport, but this wasn't a chess game. it was a chess lesson.

    Anna, You may be interested that Albert Einstein talked a lot about. chess. At one time he liked chess but not it's completive aspect. Too much isn't good. Right? Thanks Brad

    My FIDE rating is only 1225 but would love the challenge.

    Sweden IS better than Norway. Why do Swedes put their trash in clear plastic bags? So Norwegians can go window shopping.

    Do Swedes and Norwegians usually communicate in English?

    If I had the choice I would live in Sweden. I've been there twice. Great country and great people. Although, I don't think it's a good as it used to be.

    Can't believe he took the d5 pawn with his queen. I thought surely he won't fall for that, it's a triple fork. But he did, and that was the end of the game really. Nice feller, though. Better players than him have been slaughtered by Anna. No shame in it. But that was a major blunder.

    He sucks and representing Norway he single handily made all Norwegian chess players look like weak dumb dumbs.

    yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah – hard to take seriously

    This don't think this gentleman from Norway knows how to play chess! He is new!

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