I did something really, really bad.

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%1$ Comments240

    Kramnik will watch this video and will "follow the procedure" to report you!

    I don't see a GM title on Magnus's account…

    1183 BC: Patroclus scares entire Trojan army wearing Achilles' armor.

    In 2024:

    Guys just take into account what day this released on

    Ps: Still a great vid

    Wouldn´t be surprised if Magnus was just sitting behind the camera, laughing silently

    This is like Draymond Green putting on a Michael Jordan jersey and wondering why he isn't fooling anyone.

    I know all this is true, because Levi would never ever lie to us, even on April’s fool 🙏

    You will not get me this year. I’ve been aware all day of the date today and ready for a Gotham video saying he’s a gm or something.


    MITTENS IS BACK… under the name of Martin (Gen Martin)

    I loved when it showed Magnus Carlsen’s elo 😊

    Day 1 of asking Gotham to review "Blitz" manga, (chess manga).

    Where is the video of Magnus taking Gotham's account?

    Yes, yes… play more Scandinavian's!!! ❤

    I hope you cover that last Magnus Rapport game Levy maybe you can explain how Rapport should’ve played that endgame

    My personal headcannon is that it was Magnus at the door in the end to "relocate" Levy.



    Hello. So, what I want to do with this message is to simply show what the Gospel is. I am not trying to force my belief down people's throats. It's your choice whether you want to accept it. Please read the whole text.

    So, a question: Do you think you are a good person? If so, have you ever stolen anything, lied, looked lustfully, watched adult material? All of those are sins and anyone who sinned is not good(on God's standard). You, I and most( most because babies don't sin, and maybe specifically mentally Ill people) purely human beings have violated God's moral law. Since God is just, He can't let sin go just like that.

    So is there any hope? Yes, there is. Out of love and mercy, God became a human being, Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a sinless life and finally died on the cross to bear the punishment we deserve, we deserve to be punished because we have sinned.

    The reason why blood must be spilled for forgiveness of sins is because the life of the flesh is in the blood, in the Old Testament Jews sacrificed animals for sins but the sacrifice of animals were enough to temporarily cover some sins. (it did not allow forgiveness of sins, unlike Jesus's, it only temporarily covered them). Jesus is the Lamb of God, the ultimate sacrifice for sins which is enough for all sins that have been done, are done and will be done. Jesus was buried and rose again. His resurrection proved that His death was enough to pay our penalty, the penalty for our sins. Jesus paid our penalty and in order to accept the free gift of salvation from God, we must trust in Jesus's spilled Blood, His finished work on the Cross for our Salvation. And then your sins will be forgiven because of what Christ did, you will be saved. See: Romans 3:1 , Romans 3:23 , Romans 5:12 , Romans 6:23 , Romans 5:8-9, Romans 10:9-10 , Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV, John 3:16 KJV, Leviticus 17:11 , Ephesians 1:7 , Colossians 1:20, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 .

    For those wondering the videos fake there's no gm title

    Magnus logs in to play sees his rating has dropped 700 pts

    248 rapid rating increase today. thanks for all the great informative videos!

    ok it actually took me 8 mins to realize what was happening

    Really cool of Levy's kidnappers to team up with him against Magnus.

    Really great vid, I love watching your content.

    levy what would Magnus play, plays the worst move in human history

    also… magnus is in stress wile watching this video.

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