I Discovered an Unrated Chess Genius in a Small Bar

I went to a small chess bar in Amsterdam (Café de Laurierboom) and found an unrated chess player that was EXTREMELY strong. Let me know in the comments what you think his rating should be!

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%1$ Comments200

    Damn….didn't know "are you from Amsterdam" was such a complicated question requiring a complicated answer…..from Amsterdam, but new to Amsterdam, but really from Russia, but no Russian accent.

    Typical russian. Lying about everything

    I love how suspicious Anna was from the very beginning, but she played along. She's a good sport.

    Anna thinking "bullshit!" and very intrigued at the same time:)

    As incredible as it might sound, it's actually possible to play chess without a clock. I know, I know, sounds completely crazy, but it's actually true. Do you know what sounds even crazier? People used to play chess without clocks for literally centuries! Yeah, sounds absolutely bonkers, but it's 100% true! Just imagine that! Chess without clocks! How on earth did they manage? Wouldn't the universe explode if they did that?

    Luckily those absolutely crazy times are behind us, and nobody plays without clocks anymore. That's a relief. (After all, try to find even a single youtube video of people playing without clocks. Doesn't exist.)

    Lol I'm new at chess. Isent new at chess.

    Yeah….yeah same on you all lol

    Can you find someone who says he is actually a very good player and then becomes genuinely surprised to lose to Anna

    I belive Константин when he said that he doesn’t have rating. It Russia many children learning to play chess at home because chess are popular. You play chess with you family then with school friends or in summer camp. Of course there are a lot of chess schools in Russia but it is not necessary to go to the tournament or internet to find strong opponent.

    You can hear the anxiety in her voice when he answers "I'm Russian." LOL.

    i think this is the prodigy kid who played with Karpov

    I'm russian. And since the first seconds of the video I thought he must be from Russia too.

    I don't know man, people like him look extremely annoying, always angry at themselves… I knew a guy like that, he beat himself up every time he lost, no matter if it was chess or MTG or another boardgame. I can tell you people stop inviting those kind of people really fast. The reason he is unranked is maybe he knows himself well and he gets very annoying when something is at stake.
    Anyway great to see you in my 'neighborhood'.

    I am an absolute anti-social guy…..I hate meeting new people outside my bubble…..BUT I must admit, this Dude is a very interesting guy and I would enjoy having a conversation with him. Oh….and PLEASE FIX THE TABLE STAND : Drive me nuts 🙂

    Timed chess is simply that. If you run short of time, it's your problem, nobody else's.

    When a Russian tells you he doesn’t know how to play chess, he’s lying

    I thought he was a bit angry and annoyed at the end. Didn’t like his attitude

    I’m from here, no I’m not.
    I’m Russian but I know nothing about chess. Maybe I know a little about chess…. Lmao

    hes one of those guys that distracts you with the beginner script lol

    I don’t think he has a high rating, his ego got hurt tho for sure👏🏻🤣 destroy these men’s egos yes queen!!!👏🏻🤣

    You can see that he is uncomfortable saying that hes from russia. Politics did a great job in that term.

    This dude is definitely not a beginner. I am glad u kicked his butt!

    Funny you were in NL this time 🙂 Many Dutch "brown" pubs (what's the English word for it? dive bar?) have chess or other board games. My favorite bar in Rotterdam one of the few places I actually play chess, but it's always great fun with some friends (or people I've never met before) and a nice beer

    For those that missed it. Anna mentioned the name of the cafe in the description. It is Cafe de Lurierboom. Do a search for it on YouTube to find more chess videos. Have fun!

    I kind of felt for the dude. He so didn't want to say he was from Russia.

    I think he is avoiding the dictator's draft in ruzzia. And I don't blame him at all.

    Strange vibe off this guy. I wouldn't believe him

    Im failing to see the good moves by this guy, he might not be a begginer but a Genius ?

    and there just happened to be a camera set up for the whole thing. Yeah! Sure!

    It was frustrating watching him handicap himself on time by chatting and stalling during the opening. The game was over by the sixth move, just because he had so little time left by then.

    A minute of avoiding the passport question. I immediately spotted a russian, trying to get out of the question 🙂

    I suppose it's just the way Chess players are – a bit of humor. I am always amused by the number of good to excellent players (perhaps even rated masters) who act as if they're beginners or mid-level players. – perhaps so it won't be so embarrassing if they lose..?? Or just mind games?

    "yeah in Sweden we have like wine bar with chess… but this is more fun" she maybe means like everywhere you go there is more fun than here in Sweden- all swedes who travel agrees. Fun video!

    i can barely move the pieces … …. also .. my favorite opening is queen's gambit… something smells fishy in the ol Amsterdam

    Btw. There is a very nice chess bar in Athens!!

    "Are you from Amsterdam?"

    "Yes, I'm russian!"

    If u can barely concentrate cause the freakin moving table is bothering u …Give a like! ^^

    ..No napkin to fill the table leg gap?!! xD

    Why was he so coy? Maybe he was a Russian spy?

    There are a lot of unknown strong chess players visiting this place.

    A random dude in a random bar who plays chess non-randomly happens to be a Russian lol

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