I Discovered an Unrated Chess Genius in a Small Bar

I went to a small chess bar in Amsterdam (Café de Laurierboom) and found an unrated chess player that was EXTREMELY strong. Let me know in the comments what you think his rating should be!

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#annacramling #chess #master

%1$ Comments200

    I saw Anna's Twitch stream. This Russian later played a second game against Anna and lost. At the end he threw down the pieces, refused to shake her hand and said: "Burn in hell". What a lousy character.
    The stream is called: Chess Bar in Amsterdam, time 2:27.

    The very moment annas opponent sits down its game on! Multiple questions, immovable eye contact, its more like an interrogation, definitely part of the game plan this lady is highly intelligent 💯

    You always know you`re probably about to fight for your life when there`s a Russian playing chess.

    Hey Anna do you ever get it on with these chess opponents?

    He was annoying to listen to, Anna is like a psychologist and kept him tempered.

    Anna dear, just love your fun chess videos, you’ve got me back chess after many many years ❤

    Move the knight… Ha, ha, ha!!!
    Laughing whatever anyone says…

    Ok, ok, ok, all right, all right, ya, ya…
    No changes

    Anna Kornakova of chess, all looks no substance making big deal recking amateurs, lol, terrible

    hi, I'm from amsterdam an intrigued. ive never heard of this place. thank you very much and will be going there soon

    I feel bad for the guy he didn't want to admit he was Russian. Guys Russians are not responsible for war their not all supporters of war

    The wobbling table is a pain – and Konstantine is simply lying about his chess knowledge. You can already see his professional way to move the pieces. And no beginner plays preventive moves like a3 or so. What is the idea of lying? I dont know.

    Anna read this guy so well, could see her say "sus" in her eyes ahah. Lots of things about him exudes control, she wasn't giving any up 😀

    I find this attitude (being a good player but pretending to be an absolute beginner) not funny at all and quite disrepectful, especially when the act goes on for far too long (as here).

    Why lie? It's such a stupid trick to play with a real player…. oh I don't know what I'm doing or even where I am… then just to play like a pro. Like "ohhh I fooled you! Haha!) Like why act??
    Is this a chess players way to flirt or something?

    For what it's worth, my first reading of the title to this video spoke of a Urinated Chess Genius.

    why does everyone thinks its cool to say "oh I barely know how to move the pieces"? Just say that you are OK/Good/Great. I honestly don't get it

    The Russian lies just about everything. Kick him out of Amsterdam. Back to Ruzzia!

    At this point I think if anyone says they're a beginner you just should pretty much assume they're 2000+ :-)). I don't even remember the last time someone told the truth about that on a YT channel

    I'm favored only God knows how much I praise Him, $30k every weeks! I now have a big mansion and can now afford anything and also support God's work and the church.

    That was a fun wholesome game, I'd like to see the rematch.

    Bro needs to calm down and not get salty when he loses. Thought he was a beginner lmao.

    Not a beginner. The way he adjusted the pieces on the board before the game started gave it away.

    This guy rubs me the wrong way. I'd be happy to be in Anna's company instead of self-degrading over a loss.

    This was very CRING – these types are so creepy.

    A Russian will lie through his or her teeth about almost anything. They don't see it as a "lie". They see it as a loophole or opportunity. This is a cultural adaptation of 'conflict ideology'.

    Konstantine: "No I am not from Amsterdam, No I am not Dutch… I am Russian"
    Anna: blink and smile bigger I am in danger…

    please put a sugar packet under one of the tables feet.

    Very well played, Anna. And the banter between the two of you was entertaining. I would estimate him to be around 1700. Of course, it is possible that he is a hustler and was holding back in order to look weaker than he really is. Some of his moves were quite strong.

    It's pretty common to chess school dropouts to refer to themselves as "barely knowing how to play" because they've seen much much better. He probably had something like "2-3 юношеский разряд" in his childhood which is ~1400 elo.

    I suspect he is a draft dodge, thus the put off.

    If this guy is a beginner then im Gary Kasparov 😅

    Are you coming to Athens by any chance?

    Would have never guessed this dude only recently came from Russia, he has a bit of a weird pronunciation, but it doesn't sound like Russian accent at all. I know there are some tutors that focus on proper pronunciation instead of the usual vocabulary/grammar, maybe he worked with one.

    Just love to watch the banter between you two. The chess was fun too. Chess Princess.

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