I Got Paired Against A GRANDMASTER!!!!!

This was Round 4 of a blitz tournament I played in Menorca, Spain. Hope you enjoy the video!!

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#annacramling #chess #grandmaster

%1$ Comments180

    I played against a GM in the late 80s by the name of Doug Root. I was happy with how I played, all things considered, but it only took one weak move, and he took advantage of it. I ended up losing the game.

    It's been a harrowing few weeks.
    I played my best friend, Sven, a chess
    bott.(1100) He's my equal, although
    I've learned to best his particular style over the last year. To the point where I would resign rather than defeat him on my last move. I'm a nice guy and didn't want to make him look bad on the algorithms. After 2 weeks off he kicked my arse. Back to the drawing board. ♡.

    Even better than a GM, I faced a GF! – I remember playing with my grandfather when I was a little child. Like 35 years ago… Good times!

    yesterday I disabled ratings, and jumped in an <2000 tournament. And did pretty well, 4 points out of 6, most amazingly – won against an ~1950 opponent having only around 1700 myself. And it was a pretty solid game from both, he just blundered in the end. But during game – I was focused on the game, without even trying to guess his rating. Earlier, when I was being paired against 19xx I was just panicking, trying to get at least a draw, and often lose on time.

    Only rookies lose against Grandmastaaaas! : P

    Yes, I've played a few. Drew GM Lars Karlsson in blitz in my youth. To the surprise of everyone basically (I was rated around 2000 at the time).

    write whether you are here for love of Anna or chess.

    Sounds like you have a cold or something that's affecting your voice. A few times there I thought I was listening to a Botez sister.

    He played like a 'Boss'………he only looked occasionally at the board……he squashed Anna like a bug!!!

    He needs to learn how to shake someone’s hand. That isn’t a hand shake.


    I think Daniel Fernandez enjoyed the time he got to sit across from a very pretty young French girl. There was so much eyeballing Anna when he got the chance.

    excelente el tipo muy educado.
    eso es lo bueno del ajedrez y del mundo que cada uno tipo su tipo de ajedrez asi como personalidad.
    aunque a muchos no le guste ciertas personalidades solo te queda cerrar el culo y acostumbrarte por que el mundo es asi, la gente no se puede acomodar a tus preferencias, dejen de ser niños llorones.
    incluso me gusta la gente que va hacelo lo tuyo y se va o que tienen una personalidad mas fuerte o hasta arrogante. la victoria te da el aval

    Lesson learned: never be too creative playing against a GM, in particular, do not mess up pawn structure.

    Well young lady , you win top marks for a lovely personality 😻😸 / – and him 😾– not even on the scoreboard 😹😸

    Guy has the the most awkward handshake…

    You played like an amateur…you even didn't follow two important rules….1) never guard your pawns by minor pieces with just intention of guarding (2) to active your least inactive pieces to the most important squares. -from Gm Igor nation..

    Both Anna’s parents are grandmasters – doesn’t playing them count as playing GMs?

    Only good part of this video cause of losing 8:16 was not hearing Anna giggle like a little girl! 😂

    Keep up the good work on your channel!

    I don't want to be a grumpy old man but the young people need to work on their handshakes.

    Anna, you've probably played more games against Grand Masters than anyone in the world! What's the big deal? 😉

    He did NOT shake your hand. He stuck his fingers out. 🤨

    Anna … When you went Pawn E6 it was over , you suck at chess … ; )

    If I was playing, I might get distracted that the ceiling in this room is clearly being held up by giant Frosted Flakes.

    I played a grandmaster, but I blew it and he escaped with a draw.

    Played a GM who frequented my club in W. Orange, NJ. He agreed to a simul as a fund raiser for the club. I played the Black Lion against him and lasted about 20 moves. HE was very polite and thanked ME for the game.

    He is just playing his game and not revealing any thing at the end that's what is called competetion

    When that happens, all we can say is…
    "Those of us about to die…
    Salute you…"

    Unless you are a Grand Master yourself.
    Then you say,
    "Come at me… And bring it… Ya Weak sauce…"
    "Come back in another ten years, then you might be worthy to play against me…"

    What's up with his handshake at the beginning? Is that a cultural thing?

    Whats up with the flacid handshakes?

    at least work on your handshake my guy…

    He fancied you and couldn't hide it so he looked elsewhere!

    Happy Belated Birthday. May your ELO equal your age * 100.

    Anna, you still have a cold. Please go to bed and rest and plenty of fluids, as we need you to stay alive and well. You work too hard. We love your videos.

    grandmasder threaden impordandly forgodden starded – I'm pretty sure there are some "t"s in there somewhere but I don't remember where lol 🤣 lemme know if you need any lessons sweetie 😉

    Nice music, i love it! I never played a grandmaster, because my elo is around 1100 😂 Get well soon!

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