I Got Paired Against A GRANDMASTER!!!!!

This was Round 4 of a blitz tournament I played in Menorca, Spain. Hope you enjoy the video!!

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#annacramling #chess #grandmaster

%1$ Comments180

    At the end of the video, not only were you and your opponent (your smile / humor about this is great) opening with the cow but it looks like the guy to your left is also setting up to play the cow. I really appreciate your videos. You have a great spirit and you have encouraged me to start playing chess!

    I played these games and its never a good ideea to castle and let the knights just go rampart

    Nice video. Loved how he played. It would be nice to see the video again with is command. Why he did what he did. ❤😉👍

    Anna Cramling — will you marry me? I am madly in love..

    Its a shame she missed the genetic lottery with her parents GM ability

    I played a grandmaster once. I resigned at move 8.

    Why don't chess players know how to shake hands?

    Jonathan Schrantz defeats Stockfish using the Urusov Gambit.
    I actually Googled, has a human ever beaten Stockfish, and I find this video from 3 yrs ago.
    Using only 1 cpu and making moves Stockfish didn't wanna play and he calls this a win.
    No human has ever beaten Stockfish.
    Your thoughts Anna and your mom & dad can weigh in. ♥

    Is that handshake ‘normally limp’ for a grandmaster? I’ve followed a lot of Anna’s games online and never really noticed the handshakes, but that one stood out. I suppose you can’t make someone give a nice shake but honestly why bother if you’re not actually going to shake? Seems rude to me but perhaps more normal than I realise?

    Aww, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Still putting out the videos and going to tournaments!

    All your p-sniffing fans can’t help but complain about how alpha brain men are and can’t help the fact that you’ll never be a gm in your lifetime such a disappointment especially for your parents but life ain’t fair enjoy mediocrity for the rest of your days

    I met one woman once, she said to me to shut up, no talking.

    it is so annoying to hear chess players masturbating about titles. who gives a fuck. stop worrying about that and play.

    You are Gold Anna Love the Stevie Nicks voice.

    And again, at the end of this one, a double COW, hilarious!!

    Is it me or do chess players just don't like shaking hands.

    Any player 2000 or more in blitz rating is very strong. It's hard to play blitz against strong players we've never played before.

    what happened to ur voice? too much party?

    I don't care what his rating is—he'll never LOOK as good as you do playing chess.

    There are too many grandmasters and it loses its word definition. There should be far less people gained that title

    You were having a cold? Your voice was not as clear as usual. By the way, good game!

    I have a question. Is it bad to wipe the pieces before playing Lysol wipes because I don’t want to touch dirty pieces with lord knows how many people touch them and my last question is do you have to shake hands? Can you fist pump.

    AlphaZero also looks at the ceiling while playing. 😉

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