I hate this lady

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%1$ Comments180

    You know she is FAR more valuable and desirable as a human being then you are.
    I guess you are just trying to be entertaining here, however that's a fail to. Maybe with the homosexual camp you might do better, who else would "hate" such a cute girl?

    I barely know anything about her but she sound absolutely annoying when she is talking… Her clothing style is absolute top notch though ^^'

    I’d be scared of my mom she’d get mad that I got in a boxing match with a girl and say I’m not a gentelman

    Gotham your a legend for pinning your hater

    If you hate her you are not a man but still a boy. 😂

    I just can't imagine the stupidity of the First Person who might have been seen opening the comments tab. There are so many people in the world who are very difficult to call people, because God gave us the opportunity to think, but unfortunately he deprived these individuals of this opportunity. this man is probably the most unhappy person on earth because he can only judge people by one funny video. and moreover, all his arguments break like glass if you just use your brain. This person completely discouraged me from reading comments as humorous as this video. There is no limit to my disappointment.

    A vision of perfection, both inside and out.

    They are feminists naturally so they hate you too.

    You sound like Michael Scott when Pam hit him

    @mbtbd be like that one anime character that only simps for girls (any female he sees)😭

    dumb. fake. and these two thots are trash at chess

    … she’s a twin? Also she actually!! plays chess? Thought it was for her video / hook up scene.

    The both of them make me weak in the knees

    Yeah buddy she’s the only reason you are even somewhat relevant. Keep squeezing every penny you can

    Damn. I wish @mbtbd commented on this video…

    The older sister looks WAY hotter and younger.

    shes the most annoying person in chess

    Sounds like a lot of excuses. Can’t fight her. I’m retired. Come on man, be about it

    💀 I see no correlation with you and Drake

    I hate her too.
    She suddenly became a DJ after little to no training or skill and keeps getting booked at big shows cause she’s an influencer.

    Its the music of the Eminence in shadow

    Both of them are just cringe.. Dosent play chest than doing cringe no respect for people like her.

    People completely missing the sattire of the video and eventually turning to frustrated comments and assumptions is a real sight.

    The first pinned comment on this short is the definition of "☝🏻🤓"

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