I hate this lady

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%1$ Comments180

    yo anyone seen that crazy ahh top comment or am I going insane?

    @mbtbd uhhhh excuse me? Missed the entire point of the post …

    Haha i hate 😂😂 nice save. You have huge crush on her dont lie

    The taller one is a little autistic if u see the 6 men and 1 girl video you can def see it🤷🏻‍♂️

    No shot this video's message concluded with "I'm so retired I will get her sister to play her instead of me"

    Bro is hitting that moonlight sonata arc

    Could just go out of retirement…?

    "Stop, my p*nis can only get so erect "

    Retired? Isn't chess for retired old people?

    I'd be her champion. You'd fight me and she plays you. 😆 I'm a 1700 and rising but in CHESS BOXING I'd beat the KING of CHESS! 🥊🐲🥊

    says "check it out in the description" forgets to put the link in the description

    No one knows who either of you are. Don't compare yourselves to Kendrick and Drake.

    Imagine clout chasing off more popular chess players. 🤣

    how can you retire if you never been real chess player?

    IDK, someone just have a Gotham Bot and a Botez Bot and see who wins

    Swear simp are vile 🤣 fuck me she's not gonna get OM her knees for u cause u disrespected Gotham chess.

    mbtbd: and he sacrifices…HIS DIGNITY!!!

    How much are they paying you for this garbage advertising? Botez are just some attention freaks since a long time and you are just simping in this video clown.

    Damn bro he didn't care a single bit about her career💀

    Drake including was wild asf 💀☠️

    Its insane that this short went so viral, people who have no idea who Andrea, Alex or Levy are started commenting weirdass stuff. lmao

    Imagine the sisters bf is actually him. Oh the drama😂

    Alexandra is way better than Andrea

    I click this short every week or 2 just because shes hot. No shame

    I couldn’t give less of a shit about all 3 of you

    I am retired. What are you 32 unretire Homie

    She's like the real version of Melisandre from game of thrones

    Oh shit. I go to that chess place that Alexandra botez is in. Of course I wasn’t say where….

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