I Made ChatGPT Cry

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%1$ Comments900

    Time to play bongcloud against it and convince it that bongclouding as well is the best move against bongcloud

    Levy, you're like my father when I was a kid. Pretending to help while making sure you're getting a winning position. Harsh lessons…

    I tried to do a game with ChatGPT. Sometime through the game, it plays O-O (Kingside Castle). After a few moves, ChatGPT moved its rook from f1 to d1. Later through the game, ChatGPT plays O-O again…

    Yeah but i got chat gdt from playstore after i saw the chat gdt ad in my moms fhone

    Chatgpt vs chatgpt would be great content, both with giving them full reign to do whatever they want, and also forcing them both to play legal moves

    Wonder what happens if you force chatgpt to play all legal moves

    You shouldn't call people colours? Why did no one tell me that sooner?

    everyones talking about random stuff but not about the fact he didn't en passant at 13:17

    Sooo….. what’s his rank now?… above stockfish and chatGPT?💀😂😂😂. #1 chess player of all things in this world?

    hey levy. can you please play the sebastian chessAI? in his chanel and you will see the vid of "Coding adventure: Chess" and you can download it in the videos description

    i love youre videos and they help me learn chess( absolutley destroyed jimy)


    Next time you should make an illegal move and see if he calls you out and convince him it actually was legal

    This video has 269k views at the time of me watching. Hope it helps

    i beat chat gpt, and its only illegal move was casting 2 times

    i'm starting to think that levy knows that we rate his stares and he's now starting to make funny ones

    Why not take the queen to h8 while the rook was on h8? Then just push queen for mate?pawns had the king blocked. Or am I just stupid.

    Tbh I preferred the first videos where chat gpt played random moves that don't exist and it was funny as hell

    Remember never to ask chat gpt to make correctly made crossword with o ly one password and that password beeing vertical while clues worlds ar horizontal

    Today's stare was a bit more mysterious and slightly menacing. I thoroughly enjoyed the side angle, not fully staring down the viewer, but rather taking a small peek.

    Missed out on a Street Fighter Round Two FIGHT reference.

    Chat GPT to Hikaru : "Oh dear Precious"
    Chat GPT to Levy : You f***IN Donkey!"

    I think chatgpt learned from playing against hikaru, which explains why i beat him – he barely used any illegal moves and he's still dumb

    ChatGPT thinks like I do so I’m also 9999 ELO

    Most effective strategy for anarchy chess is to take enemy rocks with unexistent Queens literaly replacing his roocks with Queens then doing so with his queen and pawns and any piece that moves out of place and then king when possible.

    got me feelin some new kinda way with that side stare 🥴

    You were playing as black, how is calling you black while playing chess, not knowing the name offensive? C'mon bruh, that is the farthest thing from offensive. 🤦🏻

    As of six hours into the videos release, this video has 250,000 views. You're so close to being accurate

    ChatGPT I'm guessing is made to learn because it has definitely learned not to castle by taking it's bishop this time 😂

    I'd like to propose a game of shadow chess. Rules mostly like normal chess, but if your opponent makes a move, you only receive the information that a piece is moved to a certain square, not what piece moved, from where. The consequence is that if there were multiple possibilities, you don't know which was moved, and which stayed on its square.
    In mind such a game can be played by writing down the actual move but saying out loud only the target square; In a computer game this could be displayed by drawing the two pieces semi-transparent on the source square and semi-transparent on top of one another on the destination square (hence shadow chess).
    Sometimes a move can be done by one piece only, which clarifies the situation. If e.g. a pawn tries to move into a semi-transparent square, and actually there was a piece there, then the move was illegal, the pawn is lost, albeit traded for some clarification. A king move can become a very dangerous ordeal.

    ChatGPT is playing chess in the 10th dimension at this point

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