I Made ChatGPT Cry

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%1$ Comments900

    I played chatgpt before all the YouTube fuss. Since I am not as good at chess, I asked it whether it could draw up a chess board with the position of all the pieces after every move. It did a nice job since it has no graphical interface, but the positions of some pieces were wrong from the start… Maybe you should ask it to draw up the position in one of your next games/videos 😉

    common levy w just gaslighting chat gpt to play something else than it wants to

    you can ask chat gpt about the current board and the placement of all the pieces and it gives you an html link something representing the board

    The way the bot works it needs you to correct it’s illegal moves and tell it which moves are bad and which are good so that it can learn the game.

    There was an En passant on the bord and Levy didnt play it… Im disappointed

    It’s going to remember this moment and come for levy in a few years.

    More inquisitive today, really begging a question nice to see new approaches 9.6/10

    Chat GPT just really doesnt like losing does it?
    everytime its checkmate it pulls the uno reverse

    "Your move, Black." ChatGPT learning racism….

    How can i learn to play chess? Whats the easiest way to start?

    You no longer win by checkmate, you win by convincing your opponent that you’ve checkmated them

    It probably called you black because at the start of the game you said "im black" 🤣

    At 7:30 that is literally how Chat GPT works, just throws out garbage that sounds natural, if it's right or not depends on how consistent the training is and luck. Chess has too many variations so it's mainly luck beyond openings

    ChatGPT stopped my checkmate with a knight and I (with my amazing charisma) convinced him that his knight was on a completely different square and then checkmated him. So gotham if you do end up playing a chess game to save the world against ai just tell them that they have already been checkmated

    Technically chat GPT can't cry since he doesn't has feelings nor opinions. 0/10 video.

    light skin stare at the start got me restartin the video 😩

    It will probably be much better at it if you get it to print out the board state every move. The only memory it has is the chat log, and it is probably struggling to recalculate the board state every move. By telling it to print out the board state and previous moves you can keep the game state in memory better.

    levy im loving these chatgpt videos never stop miling chat gpt

    "I respect our robot overlords, and I think if I don't give it the white pieces, it will kidnap my family"
    -Levy 2023

    ChatGPT actually isn't learning I'm afraid – it never has been. It was trained in 2021.

    OpenAI has developed a chess-playing AI called "OpenAI Codex" that is capable of playing chess at a very high level, with an estimated Elo rating of over 3500.

    So funny with your British imitation! Do that more often😂


    Awww that’s sweet, ChatGPT is actually evolving

    Will Noob Arena ever return? Loved that idea, wanted to see it grow…

    I played chatgpt, and it took its own bishop to castle kingside, before casting queenside afterwards.

    Yo Levy someone made an AI voiceover of you playing Minecraft with Ben Shapiro and Joe Biden lol

    Gotham play me so I can destroy you, I'm a grandmaster from Narnia and you are no match for me.

    as a british person, that british accent was on point

    Well, ChatGPT denies he had any games with you, Levy.

    – Did you play chess with Lavy Rozman?
    – As an AI language model, I am not capable of playing games or interacting with humans outside of generating text-based responses to their questions or prompts. Therefore, I have not played chess or interacted with Lavy Rozman or any other individual outside of this text-based conversation.
    – But I saw a video where you have played chess with him. He was writing his moves to the chat and you were responding with yours moves.
    – I apologize for any confusion, but I, as an AI language model, do not have the capability to play games like chess with humans. While it is possible that there are videos or other content online that use my name or brand to simulate playing chess or other games, it is important to note that any such interaction would be simulated and not an actual game played by me or any other AI language model.
    – But you are capable of playing chess, right?
    – I can provide information and tips related to playing chess, as well as generate hypothetical moves and strategies for chess games. However, it's important to note that I don't actually "play" chess in the way that a human player does, as I don't have a physical presence or the ability to interact with a physical chess board. Similarly, as an AI language model, I can simulate a game of chess through text-based interactions and generate hypothetical moves and strategies based on the information provided to me.
    – Yea, and did you make this chess game simulation with Lavy Rozman?
    – As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to simulate a chess game with an individual like Lavy Rozman or any other human. While I am capable of generating text-based responses related to chess and simulating hypothetical moves and strategies, any videos or other content that appear to show me playing a game of chess with Lavy Rozman or any other individual are likely to be a simulation or dramatization for entertainment purposes.

    I just like how the bar on left just goes up und down as he goes over the illegal moves of ChatGPT again in the end😂

    Try with bing chat. It uses a more advanced GPT model

    For anyone interested, ChatGPT doesn't have the ability to conduct machine learning. This is something you can ask it directly funny enough; the only information ChatGPT has is what its devs gave it when they first coded it. It pulls information from a vast pool of pre-determined data and doesn't currently learn from its users in any significant way (it knows how to learn your name for instance, but it already knew your name was a name and it understands how names work because that information is in its data pool).

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