I Made ChatGPT Cry

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%1$ Comments900

    1-1 who will win the finall match levy or chat gpt

    something new comes out about chess

    GC: I should make at least 3 videos about it
    (Not a hate comment btw)

    Wow, that actually sounded like ChatGPT is not a chess engine! Wait… 😀 Still makes for a fun video, thanks Levy!

    Do GPT vs GPT next, It would be even funnier (if possible) if you could use a old version of ChatGPT with it's Teleporting moves 😂

    Even with power of illegal moves, ChatGPT manages to lose 😂

    Don't forget to be nice to ChatGPT!
    The day it will start taking the humanity down, he can let you go for giving it some nice chess battles. But obviously not for this one!!

    So if you just ignore the illigal moves and look at the game how it finally came out – how high would you guess was it´s ELO?

    I'd love to see you try out Ouroboros King, since it's like playing against ChatGPT, except the circus is a bit more controlled and makes sense

    Levi: farming ChatGPT for views
    Also Levi: farming us for comments

    How bout you offer a discount promo code to your chessly courses or else I'll sacrifice your ROOOOK!

    You should've taken the queen before the check, but then it would probably cry "illegal move". Btw with the badmouthing, u don't realise it can hear u?

    Its sad that in some time chat gpt will not be stupid and i will not laugh again 🙁

    "Passive aggressive son of a b…" got me dying 🤣

    Chat GPT is like the young chess learner who just makes his first steps 🙂

    It has nothing to do with poles and with fishing, thus its called a fishing pole


    not quite a million views yet. You'll get there <3

    This video has around 153,000 views, Levy. You're welcome 🙂

    "It kept calling me black" 😂 "you shouldn't call people black, you know" 😂

    Levy gaslighting chatGPT is the funniest thing I've seen all day 😂

    There's no doubt that Levy is the Internet's chess teacher!

    it's so hilarious that the challenge was to train it to lose

    ChatGPT probably just let levy win coz it thought levy was some 3 year old

    I managed to get Chat gpt2 Show me an image of how it understood the position of a chessboard. It sent an image of the starting position correctly. But even after 1 E4 the updated position that it sent me was wildly incorrect. It kept claiming that it couldn't create or generate images, but it continued to send me an image of a bunch of code lines using letters to represent the board with updated position after each move. Until it wouldn't do it anymore and tried to describe the position of the board in words, and then the conversation crashed getting stuck trying to remember what move six was. Has anyone else been able to get the same kind of visual representation of a chessboard at GPT as I manage?

    And what happens if you want to play an illegal move ? Like take the queen on move 1, does it protest ooor ?

    That side-stare was long, beautiful, and just all out perfect 10/10

    what do robots do they AI (almond flavored intelligenteration)

    Levy training the AI… we have nothing to worry about… ; )

    The Luk.A.I. is now rated 3000 ,maybe try him again.

    sassy stare 8/10 liked it but not a common stare

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