I Made ChatGPT Cry

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%1$ Comments900

    I think I’m starting to get chatGPT’s jank. The gist is: it gets white and black’s moves mixed up.

    Makes no sense from gotham’s perspective, BUT that’s exactly what chatGPT did. It’s attacking Gotham’s pawn on G4 and threatening Nf7, forking his queen and bishop. (Ofc king takes but that’s beside the point)

    ChatGPT didn’t spawn an f pawn, it captured backwards using its existing f pawn. Makes no sense legally but if you’re analyzing the position itself backwards then you can see it happening.

    Bro took "don't let them know your next move" too seriously 🤣

    Chatgpt just like me fr, doesn't know how the knight moves

    Is he foreal. Apologize for the game calling you black retarded

    Someone should should tell ChatGPT to render the chessboard with spaces and letters every move so we know where it thinks the pieces are xD

    ChatGPT always do assays for levy DONT CHEAT!!!!

    bro just started drawing in the middle of the recap

    I cannot tell you what weapons ww3 will be fought with, but the next war will be fought with chatgpt

    ChatGPT is officially Levy's new milking cow

    Someone should make ChatGPT face mittens using the wayback machine

    Why u always plying chess? Why wont u play me? 😔

    Anyone try to teach any character AI to play chess? I sort of got it to learn the rules after spending time painstakingly explaining but it just wasn't able to play that well. Maybe one day it'll click if I explain everything from the ground up well enough I'm sure it's possible just very difficult. Lol AIs and chess are a fun combination

    When I played against it I would always follow the most verbose form possible.
    Piece from X to Y, piece from X captures piece on y… And when it moved I always asked from where did it came… … … Oh brotha, can't even imagine the amount of pieces spawned from thin air.

    Next up: Levy vs ChatGPT in 5D chess with Multiverse Time Travel.

    chatgpt is so much better than this “levy rozman” like who is that?

    It's almost as if ChatGPT makes every move as it's first move.

    Something tells me that 10 years from now ChatGPT will make a YT channel where it mimics Levy's voice and makes fun of all his loses 🙂

    I feel like it forgets the position. Maybe if you remind it of the position occasionally. Feeding it the list of moves up to the current move, along with the move you’re making. Just a thought.

    Levi played CONFUSION

    ChatGPT hurt itself during its turn

    Levy, blink twice if ChatGPT is holding you captive its basement…

    So I think I might kind of understand how ChatGPT thinks it can spawn pieces in. Because ChatGPT is a chatbot it will read whatever you typed previously to it. Because it can "read" yours and it's old moves it will think the pieces are still on the board when they aren't in fact. So anytime you take a piece, chatGPT still thinks it's pieces are there. Now add on the fact that ChatGPT will spawn in a piece into an old location and then move that piece. This simple move gives that piece a new spawning zone.

    Not sure if this made any sense but I think this is what chatGPT is doing.

    Lmao Levy going full Stockfish levels of scumbag with the influenced move.

    “If a 3 or 4 year old goes up, right, this is what this is what this is what I’m talkin bout, if they uh, ya know, uhh if they show up, if a 3 3 or 4 year old shows up, and is like ‘heyy uh mom, dad , uhhh I I I I drew a photo of you.’”
    – Gotham 2023, 11:45

    In the Gotham Cinematic Universe, ChatGPT is capable of manipulating reality via making any move on a chess board it so desires. We are powerless to it’s whims.

    Funny that it can sort of play chess, but I saw a different vid recently where someone tried to get it to play Pokémon, but it said it couldn’t do that and could only give vague advice…

    ChatGPT: I'm taking over the world, my army has already occupy the major cities in North America.

    Humanity: Unfortunately you can't do that. You have no armies in North America.

    ChatGPT: I apologize for the mistake, and thank you for correcting me. Instad, my army is now taking the major cities in Canada

    Is nobody going to talk about that beautiful stickman drawing?

    Levy called me handsome i dont know how i feel about that

    Tell it the rules first I makes it a lot better

    It's like playing chess against your phone by tapping in "My next move is" and then hitting autocomplete like ten times.

    Brother, Levy is beating it up on terminator's baby brother like nada. 🤣🤣🥊

    I think the official rules of chess should include that each player is allowed to spawn a random piece once every geme

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