I Made GothamChess Try the Cow Opening

When I was in Paris I stumbled upon @GothamChess at a park and we played a game of chess! Do you think he liked the cow opening? 😀

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#annacramling #chess #gothamchess

%1$ Comments455

    Only since the age of YouTube can you see three people hanging out in a public park playing chess, who aren't all on Social Security.

    last move should have been Kf5, with K f6 it was a loss

    solevy admited on camera, he is a vampire who drinks womble blood…..!

    guess u have to play in milan and london next…..

    Whose the asian girl in the back she is really pretty

    Hows the sun in New York? Well, the sun is trying to kill everyone on this side of the world with it's global warming lol

    I've played cow opening its really terrible 😢😅🫠

    Levy wasted the opportunity for a terrible pun, could have said: "I don't want to cowculate" 😀

    Where's the video of the second match?

    Hahaha this video is very fun to watch, I laughed a lot. It is great! I would like to see more content like this ❤

    as a beginner I use it a lot on bullet games and it worked so far(mostly putting bishops on d2-e2 and then castling). Went from around 500 to 850 in about 2 months. Usually not because I play much better than the opponents, but because they find unknown moves so they spend time trying to reply them (sometimes they blunder free bishop on c5 or f5 as knights wouldnt be a threat with other openings)and I can move faster as after a few games, I can reply safely most of their usual responses. If I get time advantage then it's all about keeping a fast and solid defense, and not blundering free pieces, while searching good attacking points. If time is similar, then i try to be agresive at middle or endgame, but usually positions are not much unbalanced at these ratings if it hasn't been a major blunder, and I use to struggle a bit at later stages, but not because of the cow itself

    I find the key idea of the Cow is it makes it hard to develop the bishops without trading them and then you often have a bishop pair. But I have been absolutely crushing with this opening.

    That king went down in a dramatic fashion, just as time ran out.

    respectfully you need some layers in your hair. respectfully

    where do i see the second match with the eggggg

    She’s improved her English quite a lot. Nice job, Anna. Lui aussi, je ne savais pas qu’il est français lui. Il parle très bien en anglais. Bravo

    The idea of this Mini-Mic is not to hold it but to clip it on. I would guess.

    I’ve been playing the cow since I was like 10… I am now 20

    Anna : So im in paris
    My mind immedietly : With who ?

    It's a beautiful day in Paris. It's a great time to cow-culate.

    Why did you delete your video where you cheated that black guy twice in 1 game?


    Challenge him to a boxing match if you want to win, he will run away and hide. Lol

    I had a dream I was on a date with Anna
    It was a very pleasant dream

    Get him Anna defeat him he's Soo nasty nah jokes you both are awesome

    Wow levy was so harsh with you am i wrong?

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