I Played Magnus Carlsen. He called it “Pretty Terrible.” I Disagree.
I Played Magnus Carlsen yet again…
Magnus clips courtesy of @chessbrah —
Full Chessbrah vod:
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Eric Rosen
4579 Laclede Ave. # 205
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#chess #ericrosen
I didnt know Eric was a dad
Go Carlsen! oops, I meant Rosen!!!!
“Never resign when you have a knight”
<loses his knight>
<does not resign>
Magnus, Hikaru & FIDE cheated Wesley So in the 2022 WFRCC.
Why isn't it unfair to Wesley So that FIDE lowered the WFRCC time controls from 60min in 2019 to 32.5min in 2022 ( w/o changing the name of course to 'rapid WFRCC'. if they change the name, then there's no problem ) considering the ff things?
(Note: 45+15=60, and 25+5+2.5=32.5)
In the 2019 WFRCC, Hikaru & Magnus did better in 17min games than 60min games. Wesley So did better in vice-versa.
– (0min,10min) = blitz
– [10min,60min) = rapid
– [60min,120min) = classical but unrated for 2200+ players.
– [120min,infinity) = classical
Hence, Wesley So should be the CLASSICAL WFRCC and then Hikaru is the rapid WFRCC.
Wesley So beat Magnus 3x CLASSICAL (60MIN) games in a row HUMAN VS HUMAN, no computer prep!
Yet for some reason FIDE insists that both 32.5min & 60min are 'slow rapid' while 17min is 'fast rapid'. They didn't even define these terms.
Check out the maths here:
I see only 2 reasonable definitions for slow & fast rapid.
-Def1 – Slow rapid means unrated classical [60,120) & fast rapid is rapid [10,60).
This means:
– There's no classical WFRCC.
– Wesley So is slow rapid WFRCC.
– Hikaru is fast rapid WFRCC.
– Hence, Hikaru is NOT a successor of Wesley So.
-Def2 – Fast rapid & slow rapid cut up rapid [10,60) into resp [10,35) and [35,60).
2 issues here:
– 60min is not in either of these intervals.
– Also, 32.5 is in [10,35).
So neither 60 nor 32.5 are slow rapid. Lol.
This means:
– There's no slow rapid WFRCC.
– Wesley So is classical WFRCC.
– Hikaru is rapid WFRCC, specifically fast rapid WFRCC.
– Hence, again, Hikaru is NOT a successor of Wesley So.
– Def3 – The definitions must be: Since 15+2=17 is fast rapid, we must have
– [10,X) fast rapid &
– [X,120) slow rapid, for some
17 < X < 32.5.
Like say X is some arbitrary number like X=20 or X=30. Lol yeah right!!
I believe the WFRCC was a conspiracy to get Hikaru / Magnus to win in parallel w/ the Hans Niemann situation. Think about this:
– Magnus quits the 2022 Sinquefield Cup. 1 day later, Hans Niemann, an American rival of Magnus, is harmed in another tournament, the 2022 CGC in that Hans is removed!
– Magnus quits the 2023 WCC. 1 month later, Wesley So, an American rival of Magnus, is harmed in another tournament, the 2022 WFRCC in that the time controls are reduced!
I hardly believe this is a coincidence. I bet Magnus even directed (or conspired w/) FIDE to remove (and hence cheat) Sergey (not American but Jewish like Hans & Bobby) from the 2022 candidates. Sergey's replacement Liren even cited as role models: Magnus, Garry & Veselin instead of Wesley, Bobby & Vlad ( as described in FlNsFKeq-iE ).
Of course there's no conspiracy at all if FIDE just says
'Ok Wesley So is classical WFRCC & Hikaru is rapid WFRCC. Sorry for the confusion!'
For chess:
The ability to play chess is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life.
For 9LX:
The ability to play 9LX is the sign of a gentleman or a lady. The ability to play 9LX well is the sign that you're not Magnus Carlsen. LOL!!!!
Wesley So on Lex Fridman
Interview while imprisoned
Pablo Mercado: So what is your advice to the Filipino chess players?
Uncle Bobby Fischer: My advice is to give up chess and take up Fischer Random.
– 2004Oct11, 15 years before nephew Wesley So became the inaugural WFRCC in CLASSICAL time controls.
Can someone tell me what time on the chessbrah vod magnus plays eric?
I love watching Eric's games and the way he explains things, objectively and always with calm and nice attitude. He's respectful but fearless.
So, when the deserved GM title?
I love how when I first started watching you, you were 2200 or so rated. Now you’re competing with magnus as one of the best players in the world. Keep up the hard work.
The fact that magnus is aware of the rosen stalemate is so cool
What platform is this?
Why do you not take En Passant on c3 in the opening before moving your Queen back?
Hearing magnus saying that makes me so angry
Ggs bro you played very good
Thank your for your service u tried hard that game and we appreciate your ability to brute force power through these set backs
the real goat is you. he's just good, you're the best Eric!
Beat him next time 🙂
After Ne4, can't white just play Be1 instead of Bxg7, doesn't Be1 still win the pinned knight?
Yeah, as far as I can tell the goat isn’t an asshole. He knows you’ve got game or he wouldn’t have made the stalemate comment. Don’t sweat it. Keep calm and chess on.
That was indeed “terrible”
Well done Eric!
Hey Eric, do you think your chances against higher rated players are better with a short clock or long clock? You are a slower paced methodical player which generally means you are in time trouble a lot. But would playing a longer game help your opponents more in your opinion?
Even my 1600 ass was able to judge that queen trade was terribly wrong and the Magnus's king has lots to worry about! What the hell Eric! But your heartrate was 144 at one point, so ggs.
I dont think he called your game terrible. He was criticizing himself that he took too long to checkmate you. He could have done a lot faster.
Never resign when you have a knight “immediately loses his knight”
No worries, you're better than magnus… he is a fucker…
So close to actually beating Magnus!
For him, getting in a losing position against almost anybody is considered terrible
Eric it was a good Idea to make a post on YouTube, otherwise I would have missed it! Thank you for your work 🙂 Greetings from Poland!
I can only watch the nostrils speak
I interpreted it as him criticizing his own play and that you had him cornered. Honestly sounded like he tipped his hat to Eric
I think Magnus was commenting more on the fact it's a cluster fuck of a game rather than anyone's play. Maybe his own, he was getting crushed at one point, maybe he saw some of the moves you missed and he was annoyed he missed them and just feels like he got lucky. That happens to me all the time. I win a game but made some very questionable moves that shouldn't of worked but my opponent missed my mistake. Feels bad to win like that, you feel like you played poorly and got lucky.
Oh I’m playing Santa Clause 😂😂
Cool game, enjoyed your explanation, Eric!
It was pretty terrible u were destroyed and he was barely even paying attention lol also just very boring game no hate tho
Seems like Magnus may have been disappointed in his own gameplay. To some extent, he ended up relying on you to miss a few key moves, which means that he, by his own standard, was leaving himself too open.
When watching the game, before your commentary, I hadn't noticed your advantages. It looked like a tie to my very inexperienced eyes. I did notice when you traded queens and suddenly Magnus was looking too good. Even then, a better player may have gotten the jump on Magnus again (according to what you pointed out in your commentary) or rather even may have not traded the queens. So, I see why Magnus would say it was terrible.
From what I gather, Magnus will kinda do whatever early game (within reason), and then strike from whatever position he has allowed it to get to. Seems to me that your game was rather clever, so when Magnus was letting whatever go on early game, your tricks snuck up on him.
Seems the timer was the difference. In a slower game, you would not have tricked him. In this faster game, you were not able to follow it through to a win (or a stalemate, for that matter). At least this way, you got some tricks off against the best in the world. This game is a good demonstration of your skills, and your commentary was fascinating.
I know it's not quite the same, but anytime I play someone who has a significantly higher rating than me I just get scared to play the most natural moves, even if I'm still in the opening, because I'm so scared of tactics that I might not be seeing.
I thought Magnus was your father.
Not terrible. Magnus might have felt he played terribly but we can appreciate Magnus's "terrible" play is still rarified air. Very exciting game IMO.
16:53 Why doesn't Magnus play Be4+ Kh6 Qg5#? Why has nobody else commented this so far?
You seem to have a reputation for stalemate tricks. Finegold said something about it in your match against him. I only watched the 1st game, though.
Hi magnus!!
Always lessons. This is why yours is the best teaching channel.
I think it's safe to say that a GOAT will have a different measurement of what "terrible" means. GG
I dont play chess but for some reason I do enjoy watching chess videos. One thing I have notice is how scared/tilted people get playing higher level players. I dont get it. You're likely to lose anyway. Why not bring out your stone cold killer persona and play agressive and see if you can force a blunder. If you lose at least you went down swinging plus you were likely to lose anyway so who cares.
Great entertainment! Well played Eric.
I would love to see you Eric commentating the pro chess. I watch them and think to myself, Eric should be here right now.
It's undeniable that there was a period where you outplayed him.
It took the GOAT more than 50 moves to prevent you from defeating or stalemating him. Well Done Sir!
Tbf Eric, you used a lot of time to gain a couple advantages in this game.
Well, Magnus gave you a lot to think about. You played well. Bc5! Nice move Eric. Magnus was talking about his own performance being pretty terrible. Not yours