I Quit

This is recap of round 9 of Menorca Open, a chess tournament I’m playing in Spain 🙂 Hope you enjoy!!

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments85

    Anna pretending to be Levy with this title 😛

    "I quit" is the essence of being a chess player. Chess is an exercise in self torment. You spend decades trying to master the game and lose to a 9 year old. I quit is the only reasonable response.

    You are the best, I love your your games and the presentation of your analysis❤ what did you say the opening is called?

    Why anna is scared of everything

    Anna, please visit Toronto, Ontario Canada during the summer. People play chess for free at the corner near New City Hall. If you visit I will treat you to a coffee.

    everyone is quitting, these youtube days.

    thank you, your enthusiasm has got me trying chess again and I'm enjoying myself starting over as a beginner

    Anyone else grateful to have a women like this on youtube? She's the type of woman you want your daughters to emulate and be like. Such a great role model for young ladies.

    Keep at it Anna. You'll make it!

    If there are haters, that means you are doing things right. 😃

    Great attitude & well "elucidated" (if you're reading this, Anna). At the risk of being boring, I should say that early nights, and thus not having to rush first thing, good healthy food, exercise and fresh air would help. I also wondered if your openings might be a bit predictable, which is ok if you know them really well. Thanks (& also to Pia) for the coverage!

    like some people have stated in the comments, you don't need the "clickbait" to get our attention. But I get it, the data analytics show that it regardless does work and you'll continue to do it whether your subscribers are against it. Mainly because you're no longer interested in attracting your subscribers since they already subbed, instead you're focused on the wide pool of potential subscribers that haven't yet joined your community. Always a numbers game unfortunately but I guess if it pays the bills then so be it. Sad either way.

    ah yes clickbait titles yet again…

    You brighten up my day Anna. Never stop believing in yourself. You are so right about everything being beneficial in some way. Enjoy the journey. Flowing so much love to you, my friend. Hugs and kisses 💕💋

    At 12:09 are heard the words, "every game that you lose, there's typically two mistakes that you've done." It was then mentioned that lessons could be learned from both mistakes. That is often true.

    Bobby Fischer once said that most of his post-game analysis focus was on learning from his first significant mistake in a game, even in games that he won. The rationale is that often the chain of events leading to any subsequent bad move on his part would not have happened. That is often true as well.

    Maybe the best approach – whether or not the game ends as a win or draw or loss – is a compromise approach of looking for and learning from one's first significantly incorrect move in a game, but at the same time putting more than a tiny amount of attention on learning from a misplay of some sort that followed.

    Back when Bobby Fischer was playing, computers were not there to help with post game analysis, so there was typically only time to look at the first misplay of the previous game before going on to preparing for the next game in a tournament. Now with computers, there is time to look the previous game over for a second misplay.

    The Bobby Fischer approach of equally looking over his immediately prior game, whether a win or draw or loss for him, was important, since otherwise sooner or later in that tournament or in the next tournament, some opponent discovering that past flaw in a won or drawn game of his would attempt to set him up hoping for him to repeat that flaw, and take advantage of that flaw for a worse outcome for Bobby Fischer. Bobby Fischer thus avoided being successfully set up in that way, thereby ruining most of the preparation of any future opponent attempting to do so. Imagine prepping hard to take advantage of a Bobby Fischer playstyle flaw that happened in some recent game, just to find out that that flaw was no longer part of the Bobby Fischer playstyle.

    Anna, those two dragon pieces I think are supposed to be chess pieces called just "Dragons". I saw them at a Miguel Illescas (Spanish GM) conference, according to him, the dragon is a combination of a bishop and a knight, and you can use it whenever you want in the game, it must start in any square of your back rank, so you need to clear one square of your backrank firts, then you can use it. The point of this, according to him, is to create more uncertainty, especially in the openings, since almost all chess games, at least at the highest level, usually end in a draw, because GMs have all the lines super reviewd. Hope you find this info interesting. You are the best❤😊

    HAHAHHAAH The ending is brilliant 😂❣️

    Umm not at your best in the am ? GET UP, WORK OUT AND EAT BREAKFAST ! Im sure your mom tells you this 🙂.

    How can I convince this girl to marry her?,,, Iam so so so into her

    Si te llegás a retirar, hay 1 millón de personas que te vamos a levantar (1 millón hoy serán muchos mas), sos alegría, y vas a ser inmensa, más de lo que ya sos.

    We all want to say "hi" to your cameraman…

    Please Anna dont clickbait. We unterstand your feelings after the tournaments. I had during my live, which is significantly longer than yours, many setbacks. A setback is only another waypoint to success. Each failure is a learning experience and important cause from mistakes you can learn so much more than from things which run according to our plans. In my country there is a saying: „Er/Sie irrt sich vorwärts“ I dont know how to translate that properly. Most likely: We fail in the direction to our goal.

    I milk my failures and try to dismantle them from any possible direction. They are my most treasured experiences. But whom do I tell? You are so much more talented and hardworking than me. Look what you achieved already! And what you will achieve in future! You can be so proud of you

    I struggle with this mindset too. What works for me is that every time I think the thought of really disliking something I play it. A lot.
    Sometimes it is really hard to figure it out, but if I have already decided to de-buff myself it probably is my biggest weakness so it needs to go.

    The only problem is.. I keep on really disliking stuff my opponents play.

    In any sport one's ability needs some coaching. One's attitude also needs some coaching. Thanks to your videos you have become my chess playing attitude coach.

    Back when I started playing for our small rural town team, we would travel to the big town and play secondary teams from the big chess clubs. Sometimes our opponents would not refer to a knight as a "knight" or even a "horse", which could also pass, but they would say "swine". Maybe city people just think it is how a knight looks, more than it looks like a horse. Since Anna now hates knights, it is an idea for her for next time she gets to analyze post-game with an opponent.

    Every opponent from the future will play the teres most likely for now on since you said that. I guess you're gonna have to become a pro at it now so you can sike out

    Thank you so much for your good mindset. I think you are really a fantastic person. ❤

    😕Anita, don't you need some hair conditioner or something?

    Love you Anna. Nothing beats persistence.

    Hang in there Anna everybody takes a butt whipping every once in a while……….

    I QUIT watching this one video because i got to the end. can't wait to carry on watching the next one.

    I enjoy your videos, but it's disrespectful to make opponents wait for no reason other than over sleeping. Be an adult, get out of bed.

    Anna two mistakes can make you lose any game however in life you only fail when you quit and you only succeed when you continue pursuing your dream.

    keep at it. like the nothing stops me from being the best attitude

    lol I had to look three times why the bishop move @7:27 would be illegal befor I saw it haha

    Yes Anna you suck, but I still love your vids and watching your analysis, I'm with you. 👍

    I think you’re much better than your showing in this tournament. I’m looking forward to seeing you in your next tournament.

    Should've known this was clickbait. -.- smh these yt chess players.

    Anna, you SUPER!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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