I Quit

This is recap of round 9 of Menorca Open, a chess tournament I’m playing in Spain 🙂 Hope you enjoy!!

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments85

    Our little Turtle ain't no quitter, Besides you are too valuable to the world of chess and promoting it. Keep up the great work and you are better than you state. Bring out the great snapping turtle from within, lol .

    Please stop the clickbait, you’re better than this

    "Anna should quit chess"

    People say that and dont know she would clean the floor with them in a match.

    If you can't wake up until 9.30 what time are you going to sleep?

    Spilling your coffee, most awkward thing ever? Try firing a friend. Not fun.

    Love you Anna, but hate this types of click bait, thanks god when I entered to the video, someone’s comment said that you didn’t quit

    ANNA, you understand Chess, however you understand virtually nothing about your brain and body…

    Goggle Johnny Carson/ Bobby Fisher.

    Bobby understood chess is half mental, half physical AND he trained accordingly…

    I have watched enough of your channel to accurately assess your diet and physical regime and it does not surprise me you played so erratic in this match..

    Find yourself a natural nutrition advisor and adopt a physical routine that suits your life style and you will see vast improvement

    She learned that Bait move from Levy. She never fails to not quit. Next Video title "I will never play chess again" (after i have died).

    I don't mind the bait would have watched anyway. 10/10

    Your live stream was the first chess tournament I have watched, that is, seeing players sitting across from each other. Travel, food, lodging, meeting countless strangers, and sitting for hours. No wonder Magnus stepped back a bit from classical chess. The long games look grueling. As for you. my guess is you will make GM. Your enthusiasm for the game is fun to watch.

    I have all of these beautiful ideas but I used none of them. funny

    I love your work, I understand that you're mad at ppl calling you bad, but I reported this video as spam anyway… massive disappointment that you're doing such a clickbait.

    Ah, interesting observation… if you lose it's generally two mistakes not one? Okay, I will remember that. I guess mistakes begat mistakes!!!

    Love your fighting spirit and determination. That's a champion. Rest up , study , and listen to your heart. CHESS PRINCESS

    The toughest fighters are fighters who got beat and became strong.

    I like your teeth when you smile, or rather your smile when you show your teeth.

    Yay!!! So happy you're not quitting. You're a fighter. Grrr

    So it was just a clikbait, i am happy.

    Go Anna! You certainly didn’t fool me. You are a much too competitive and positive person to be quitting just because of a couple of minor setbacks!
    I love to watch your games and analysis! 👏👏

    You must learn to how to lose before you can win. That means learning to learn from your mistakes! Good for you! And use the negative comments for motivation. Those are all from people who have never left their mommies basement! You’re going to do fine, keep fighting!

    For some time now I have suspected that Anna isn't interested in Chess anymore. Instead, Anna is interested in the attention from streaming and YouTube content. There'd have to be very good reasons why Chess has taken a secondary position of interest, but still, what is the value of chess-content to consumers from authors who aren't interested in improvement?

    "de todas la buenas jugadas.. yo no jugué ninguna de ellas". Esto es por el embrujo de Menorca, ja ja. . Un saludo Anna, sigue así, como eres.

    No todo está perdido. Como jugadora de ajedrez quit es una opción, pero como youtuber, no lo es. La simpatía en ella es natural. Nadie lo puede negar, pero que el torneo ha sido muy malo tampoco. Animo….la otra opción es concentrarse menos en hacer videos para youtube, y juntarse más con padre y madre y que le den inyección másiva de GMxixilin a ver si sale de la meseta actual….jajajajaaja. Nunca rendirse y ánimo.

    Of course, don’t quit. Your channel is fab. Keep it going. Thanks. 😊

    Don’t change anything. These streamed tournaments with your mom commentating is pure gold. Noone else can match that. You obviously have the right mindset about learning from each game. Keep it up.

    You are so full of energy and positivity! You are intelligent, beautiful, funny. I can't wait to see more of your videos. Good luck for the rest of your chess career!

    This comment is directed towards Anna's Mother and Father! How proud you must be watching your highly skilled and talented daughter navigate the "chess world" with such enthusiasm and youthful charm! I know very little about playing chess other than being able to name each piece correctly 😊😊. Watching her elaborate and detail strategy, along with each misstep that occurs, really encourages me to learn more about the game! I always thought I could never be a great player of the game because I lack the patience and knowledge of chess. I was wrong in part, and watching her videos leaves me with wanting to learn more! I always try to look at the "bigger" picture in anything I do, whether it's a game or in real life! She seems to be similar, yet wiser beyond her years with the logic it takes to be successful in both. I would suggest a new title for this video!?!? Rather that "I quit", how about "I learned something valuable today because of a few mistakes"…. As long as we continue to learn something new, and are better for it, it will never truly be a mistake! Sure, you lost a few points in this tournament, yet you gained a thousand, marching towards your future. Your videos are about being a better player, not at all about anything to do with quitting! God bless

    Well done Anna, we have really enjoyed watching you and your mum. And your after game analysis is always educational and honest. Keep it up please.

    I dont know what everyone has against this title which I personaly found funny ! Of course we know you wont quit, no surprise here. Keep it going Anna and keep expressing yourself in the way you want ! Thanks for the great content ❤

    ”I Quit” represents the feeling I had after the last round. In the video I battle those feelings and try to turn them around into something more meaningful – motivation and willingness to improve. Thanks for watching this series and keep on playing chess – no matter what it’s always going to be my favorite game :)And oh – I’m never quitting!

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