I Shouldn’t Have Underestimated Him…

This is the recap of round 4 of the chess tournament I’m playing in – Reykjavik Open. In this round I played a 1600 rated player I completely underestimated. Hope you enjoy the video!

Link to the game:

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments422

    Holly shit i remember when i first subbed to some months ago u only had like 16k subs, well done.

    Anna, you scared me….congrats on the comeback win. Good luck tomorrow!!

    Man I just want to give ur opponent a hug. He seems like such a lovable, adorable dude

    I love your laugh and your chess commentary! 😁

    Eric playing against Oh No my blood pressure 😭

    How do you work on your fitness? Seems underrated in chess

    I started playing chess like 1 month ago i have 824 elo but my dad had 2 chess boards so i have played a bit against him when he was young he was almost 1st at school but he hasnt played chess since 30 years but hes still good for leaving chess so long qnd now hes getting better again and at one game he checkmate me in a very unspected move 😂

    Probably hard to concentrate with people shouting "oh no my queen"

    Anyone else think the black pieces are hard to see on the dark blue tiles?

    A lot of people don't realize how much brain stamina is required to play in tournaments. When I played back in the 80s, I would win short games but struggle with long games. I could feel my brain slowly stop thinking. During a match, in between moves, I would get up, walk around, splash water on my face, eat chocolate, sweets – anything to get energy back. I had a concentration stamina limit and when I reached it, the game was over and I would lose. I believe your opponent reached his concentration limit.

    I hope you play againts Irene K Sukandar from my country ❤

    GG Anna! Well done, well done. Good luck in your next game.

    God doesn’t want anybody in hell because He loves us, but you must understand why we deserve hell and why those who refuse to live under His authority will go there. He gave us the law (Ten Commandments) not to make us righteous, but rather to show us our sin (Romans 3:20). We’re not sinners because we sin, but rather we sin because we’re sinners. Sin is the nature of our flesh that we are born with due to the sin of Adam in the garden. For someone to be justified before God they have to be sinless. We’ve all sinned (Romans 3:23), and the the law demands death for those who sin (Romans 6:23). God is righteous, so He must punish our sin, which is what He did through His Son Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus is Holy and sinless, yet He received our sin when He died on the cross, so that we can be righteous before God (2 Corinthians 5:21). When He died on the cross, He said “It is finished” (John 19:30), which means He paid the full price for all of your sins (past, present, and future) to be forgiven. He was buried and rose again from the dead. God will forgive anybody who puts their full trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. We aren’t saved based on our good deeds, but only by the grace of God (Ephesians 2:8-9). His precious blood that He shed is the only reason why we can be forgiven of our sins (Hebrews 9:22). If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Him from the dead, then you’ll be saved (Romans 10:9). You are born-again with the Spirit of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), and are not only legally justified before God, but also are accredited His righteous (Romans 4:24). Believers live for Christ now, so get to know Him through His Word. I recommend reading the book of Romans and the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), and watching Pastor Joseph Prince’s online sermons!

    yeah. chicken out, now way. good for you Anna. madmax "two men enter, one man leaves" mentality.

    Where can us YouTube folks find your mom's commentary? You ever think of posting that for extra content?

    Wish we had Pia's commentary at the end on Twitch. She might have exploded with excitement though. What a great finish. Keep it up tomorrow (2AM here in Bellingham, Wa. USA). GO ANNA!

    Anna pardon the dumb question: Why do they have you write every move down? With modern electronic chess boards/chess matts, why do they still require paper and pencil?

    Anna, it's just so crazy the way you transmit that energy of being there. I'm so happy to watch my two favorite masters playing against each other!! Good luck to both from Córdoba!! 🇦🇷

    Its funny, in America, saying your brain is like a sponge is a compliment, as it suggests your brain is good at "absorbing" information

    Taking advantage of your Elder and his sapped energy! Shame, shame, Anna!!

    Rosen in the background!!! Can't wait for your game with him tomorrow!

    The best way to improve that knight is sacrificing it to his ridiculously power pawn in e4. Thas what I would ve done as a 800 elo player 😂

    I feel bad he lost the way he did! Good game though.

    That idea of material being equal from sacrifices benefitting lower rated players is interesting to me. Because when I think of someone like Magnus if he can trade all the pieces and get to an end game then you'd back him like every single time. But maybe that's just Magnus!

    If Eric says "Oh, no my queen" – Don't take it!

    Great recap. A lot because it had 80% less "Actually"s. Thank you for that. Just makes it hard for me to listen to. Love the reviews.

    Anna!!! Your mom almost died when she saw your position closer to the middle. You got lucky

    Congrats on getting a mouse instead of trackpad! Feels nice to move pieces with comfort.
    And yeah, on winning too

    I like Anna & her attitude ,but against IM Eric Rosen is no match for him. . .she was almost dead lost against a 1600 player. .an IM like him definetly is crushing her..he is stronger,faster & so on. .she losed arleady to somebody 2300+ Elo & Eric is way stronger than that guy. .

    This guy seems like the guy id wanna play a game against just for fun.

    Glad you learned to never underestimate your opponent.

    Great play good luck for next match . I am rooting for you ❤️

    Thank you for sharing your game, i have learned something from your game. Good game Anna 👍👌

    Hey Anna, Goodluck tomorrow! Thank you for your enthusiasm and great explanations!! The chess community is lucky to have you!

    Du kan spöa dom! Lycka till med resten!

    seems like old man strength is also a thing in chess 😀

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