I Solved Chess

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%1$ Comments536

    I swear i am a 400 elo and one time i got ranked 1250 elo

    I guess the 100% accuracy in the thumbnail was a typo.

    Watching your moves and your thought process is incredible, my dad and I both watch your content separately, training for when we play each other.

    that little greek gift nugget is gonna help out some day! Thanks! Really enjoy this content where you seem a bit calmer too 😛

    1 million percent my favorite content is your own games. I miss the competitive chess but until you’re ready for that again. No rush

    Damn I was actually doing kitchen work. Got got

    Uhm, actually that 96.9% accuracy, 0.1% is extra. Get better

    blud dont know what the australien flag is 💀💀

    as an 8×8 square white/black board, i can confirm that Levy solved whatever is happening on me

    when he said "are you doing kitchen work?" as i was finishing cooking lunch

    14:30 If someone can explain to me why putting the rook levy chose on e8 was the choice instead of putting the other rook also on e8?

    64$ for each course? Capitalism is the best system! Chess, like golf, or hockey, is priced too high for the proletariat. Thank you for the content that comes with my overpriced internet connection lol Seriously, thank you for teaching us!

    At 14:30 couldnt gotham play qg6 to threaten a fork on c 2 and threaten to take the pawn on g2?

    Man, the YouTube algorithm reeeaally loves this guy huh
    “Dont reccomend channel”

    the fact that i regularly get higher accuracy than that FM despite me being a 600 is weird

    “It’s better not to trade queens”(eval bar stays the same) 😂😂😂

    This guy is a human but he is a chess computer 3400 elo

    HOW DO YOU KNOW? You mention 'eating while watching you' only and exclusivelly when i actually eat. 👏

    I started watching you a few months ago. I'm only at 1000 elo. I just got back into chess at 30 years old. I just had my best game at 93.1% accuracy. Appreciate your content. You help me understand the game and you explain chess in a way I can understand. So thank you for that 😂

    He didn't solve chess this clown is lying and the sad thing is 99% of people sometimes are stupid enough to believe it. God rest his soul.

    How you know i watch you everytime i eat 😤

    Bro got higher Rating than magnus
    IM's are underrated af bro

    Very instructive video! I still don't know when to paly Rfe1 or Rae1, is Rfe1 always better or is there also reason to play Rae1?

    Bro knows us very well

    Is it still clickbait if I don’t click on it for the thumbnail or title?

    I was in the notching when he said kitchen work. Chills. Literal chills

    As a solved, I can confirm I was chessed

    BRILLIANT MIDDLEGAME,never seen this before

    The thing I like about your games is that you actually are capable of this level of play. You don't hit such a level often, but from time to time your play is truly beautiful, like the highest art.

    Levi could become a wcc champion if he plays like this
    Let's wish to see that happen

    Levy blundered loading his estimated ELO more than he did in the actual game lmao

    🎉congrats Levy! I hope you play in tournaments and become a GM soon! We are rooting for you.

    Levy breaking the fourth wall had me feeling like I'm being read like an open book

    Mr. Levy, i think that the move Na2 it s not mate, because of his horse on c3 ( 15:38 ). Great video and keep up the good work King, love from Romania❤️

    Whenever I watch this kind of video from Levy, I'm motivated to play a game myself and then I get hit with reality

    Solved vibrating devices, mister Niemann!

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