I Solved Chess

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%1$ Comments536

    i played a 25 moves game with 96.5% accuracy last month. i was 1500 elo at that time . oh man i'm so proud of that game ,

    "very excited to so you this giant thing here" – a guy who always stare

    it's scary how i was actually doing kitchen work while listening to levy and he calls me out for doing kitchen work

    You solved chess, so who wins white or black? Or is it a stalemate?

    ณัฐกันต์ โฆษิตจินดา says:

    0:15:40 why knight a2 is mate? Can’t he just take with the knight?

    I only watch you because of two reasons
    1.your face 95% or above similar to my only girl Ioved …
    2. I like chess ….

    Great video, there's so much knowledge in this 20 minutes.

    what would the computer say if castled King side?

    Thanks for accurately calling me out in my kitchen

    I like the calm Levy a lot. What I like even more is the educational approach he's taken up. Big thumbs up 🙂

    Make a tutorial on Kings Indian Attack

    No need for screams, your ability to teach keeps my attention fully, love your games you play in a very dynamic way

    Man, cant wait till you become a GM. you should be proud, that match was incredible.

    If your opponent doesn't challenge you very much, it's easier to get a high accuracy

    Guys, I don't fully understand why a smart and charismatic author makes such cringy and low key previews for videos. It reminds me of the vibes of 2015, when all sorts of unpopular channels made reactions to vlogs and put their "sojak" face on them.

    As a non-developer person, i can confirm that levy is not using developer mode🫥

    Congrats Levy!!! That was a really beautiful match

    been watching levy, can anyone tell me why he isn't a GM yet?? is he planning too??

    As a 1000 rated I had 100% accuracy game, but it's very deceiving. It was an 11 move game, 8 of which were book moves lol. Thank you for your Traxler video Levi!

    Um actually that was a 96.9% not 97% 🤓, get ur facts right mr levy i am disappointed

    What's messed up is that I played about 15 games yesterday and lost about 10, while playing about 80% myself. Meanwhile, my average opponent was at least 90% and a few were 95%. I'm playing at 900 -1000 level, so I guess it's just bad luck?!

    Imagine having estimated accuracy of 2750 elo and still not winning

    How the heck did he get 97% accuracy with 2 inaccuracies but I got 88% from only one inaccuracy and some great moves…

    As a brilliant move, I can confirm Levy played me

    Brilliant win Levy. I think Jacks mistake of advancing his pawn two squares to H4 undefended was the beginning of the end, due to the pressure from potential check mate later on using Levys Knight. Also, not accepting the Queen trade at a crucial moment was essential for Levy to build his final attack.

    I'm relatively new to t'he Channel. You sometimes analyze or comment subscriber's games, right? I got One for you, but don't know where or how to share it with you…. Or even if you take suggestions like this xD Let me know!

    no og reaction? was it not in stream or recorded?

    Levi "The Show Off"… Yes, you played good, but no, you did not solve chess and no, you did not get 100 % accuracy, you got 96,9 % and even with two inaccuracies if you noticed… I think you can make a better and more interesting title than a misleading title like "I solved chess"…

    Levy plz do GTE I got perfect game that i hit 98.2 accuracy

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