I Solved Chess

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%1$ Comments536

    Levy solved the question how to cheat viewers using fake thumbnails

    People who want more opening and trap videos by Gotham

    Levy finally using stockfish like everyone else, good for you bro!

    I wonder where is the pin of shame…
    Great video and props to winning that brilliant game! Definitely alot for me to learn! 😃

    Can you please 🙏 make a king's Indian attack opening a long one

    Be safe in New York, Canadan wildfire is crazy over there.

    more video like this, really interesting and motivating

    Levy is this kind of person who's flexing but makes it educational

    Calm Levy is better than screaming Levy. Exceptions: Frank and low Elo videos.

    ahhaha wasting time just to make it a 20 min video. gotta hand it to you

    Hahahahahaha levy saying enjoy the video while you're eating and then half way through going hey listen spot doing kitchen work. I swear he's looking in my window

    Levy is playing suspiciously good it's almost as if he let Frank play for him

    Actual accuracy: %96.9
    What he says in the video: %97
    The title: "I SOLVED CHESS HAHAHAHAHA 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓"


    I'm impressed doe, getting me, when making pizza

    As Levy Rozman, I can confirm I solved chess

    14:28 wasn't queen to g6 a better move?? attacking the pawn on g2 and threatening a fork on c2 with knight.

    You can just edit out the struggle of looking for your rating at the end.

    At 15:50 when he said *an unstoppable force meets an immovable object, it reminded me of an achievement in a game. Haha

    did levy get a better camera or something? mans looking hd with depth of field crazzy

    yay chill levy. also please check your email

    Thanks for the podcast share going to watch It !

    Today I played a game with 99% accuracy.

    levy you need to trace your steps back to what did you change in your. maybe new type of condom or maybe a new pill. That had a effect on you in a good way

    You make my attention span disorder vanish.

    Levy: I've just got an ELO estimate as high as Magnus Carlsen's. Magnus: casually getting an ELO of > 3800

    Is this the highest estimated elo ever recorded??

    I'm not gonna eat while I listen to GothamChess videos. You'll just say something that makes me laugh hard, and I'll aspirate my fucking vegan burger and die of a lung infection.

    Every time Levi checks to make sure we are paying attention i'm totally not. I feel attacked every time.

    bro really made magnus's 3250 elo game look like childsplay

    Levy: who is better?
    Me: looks at evaluation bar

    I'm only rated about 1500 in rapid but when I take my time in classical I can beat 1800s–finally after a super long game where I spent almost two hours agonizing over the board, I managed to beat another 1600 so badly that game review estimated me at 2350 elo. It normally only ranks me at 1550 so this made me estatic. It also makes me wonder what our "true" elos are. For example, could a 1500 rated player play like a grandmaster if they play a daily game and spend hours a day analyzing every critical move? While building speed is a good skill in chess, classical will always be my favorite because it gives both players a chance to play their very best and to create some incredibly deep and interesting games.

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