I Solved Chess

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%1$ Comments536

    it's incredible to see truly instructional content, instead of the 500 rated blunderfests

    i feel like i'm actually learning things from these kinds of videos

    I want to send you a game foe guess the elo how can i ?

    I love the old background pls make videos in there

    stop the clickbait its 96% not 97% accuracy

    And I got the first brilliant of my life

    nah levy, we italians are bad at chess, you will see very rarely italians at 2500+. we are all stuck at 800-1000

    Confusing the Italian flag with the Australian flag is like confusing an elephant for a mouse

    I can still hear Levy’s voice🕊️🕊️ Fly high Levy

    levy i just want to say, you need to never give up on your dream of becoming a GM, i know you think you can't do it, because you say you can't. stop it. now. you're great, better than most. never give up. you will become a GM someday.

    EDIT: sidenote, i dislike people who play the queens gambit regularly, stop thinking you're sophisticated, just because you're 1500-GM doesn't mean you're sophisticated, unless you play a extremely rare line, then it's ok. not good, ok.

    love the videos bro! i had ice cream while watching this

    You are very entertaining and capturing Levy!

    Levy there is a new bot called questionmaster you should play with it it has ??elo its like mitten but a little bit worse

    As of now, it's 97.1% accuracy and 3450 performance ELO.

    Proud of you Levy.

    "There is no ad so you don't need to skip ahead bu-"

    me hitting the skip forward button until I see the board

    @11:30 ish…. Why Is pg6 not mentioned as an option for possible moves?

    Me too tomorrow, after retrying from 93.5 accuracy

    As Levy himself, I confirm I solved chess

    I mated an opponent with fried liver in under maybe 12 moves and got an accuracy of 100

    Why are your eyes so blue in the thumbnail? What in the instagram filter is this 🤣

    Queenside castles was an INSANE move by White. I genuinely couldn't believe it. Literally insane.

    when I see who Gotham is versing as an Australian man myself I think "yes! Australians get seen for something finally"

    "He is an italian" me an italian who has never seen an italian master in these video i was like :DD and he wasnt..

    I do not understand the joke with the flags at the start
    italy was never colonised by the british, the australian flag has a union jack on it
    also italy is in the northern hemisphere and the australian flag has a southern cross
    for those who can't relate imagine he messed up the usa flag for the flag of indonesia

    As solved itself, I can confirm that Levy did indeed Chess.

    15:41 how is knight a2 mate there ? Can't the knight on c3 take it ? Please explain me

    you're by far the best chess youtuber 🔥
    it became a habit, that everytime i eat lunch i open up youtube and watch your latest video.
    thank you Levy <3

    wait dude, you like actually teach chess to people hjere

    Answering your question:
    I like listening to you. I am that simple
    Make any content you like. If you like it, I'll most probably like it too

    11:21 I was, in fact, paying attention. But since you mentioned it, I went to the kitchen to put away my dishes and now I'm worse at chess 🙃

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