I Solved Chess

Two People Talking:

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%1$ Comments536

    Ladies and gentlemen guess what's more impressive. 100% inaccuracies. Aka my games.

    his eye shadow is bigger than his jewish income
    love him

    wow… nice one I love it… I've learned a lot… ❤️❤️❤️

    Did you start mirroring your video? The window is on a different side

    Bless ya Levy! It’s GREAT to see you play this way! And it’s NOT April the first!!😊👍

    I could get a 3400 game review quite easily. Just gotta learn how to photoshop in an extra zero.

    levy borrowed hans’ vibrating butt plug and thought we wouldn’t notice

    I swear this guy was watching me, I was just listening to him not watching xd

    how did bro know I was eating and put this on

    Not sure if Levy will ever see this, but I just wanted to thank him. I played a game of chess against my boss and beat him with the Caro Kann that I learned in Levy's course

    Why aren't u competing in tournaments Levy? Oh yes, your nerves. You need to overcome fear of losing.

    Great Job Levy!!! This is awesome I couldn't dream of playing like a 3400!

    The end of the game was beautiful to see ❤ congratulations brothah proud of our teacher ✌🏻😁

    When he asked if I’m still listening I was distracted for a minute looking for something to eat . You really do a good job explaining everything & making sure we understand. Keep up the good work Levy 🫶🏼❤️

    If he castles u can play nb4 sac the knight and he can’t take or checkmate and if he doesn’t castle u can still play that and win 2 rooks!!! 13:45 secs into the vid

    1:50 you are not kidding i know. Thats american blood running through your veins 😂😂😂😂

    I got called out HAHAHA, good one, ya got me

    Bro this guy calls what I’m doing as I’m doing it kitchen work was exactly what I was doing

    this is definitely one of the moments of chess's history

    I did a scholars mate on someone and still only got like a 92% accuracy

    This is funny because a couple days ago I actually got 100% accuracy

    I love that Levy is all fired up and all about this game, but taking a 3min blitz versus an opponent who made a big strategic mistake like it's his immortal game it's kinda … idk … sad, cringe or pathetic depending of how much of an asshole i am. And generaly i'm a fcking scumbag so … there is that.

    if a 1400 rated player was playing, then the computer would give 1800 rating

    I really liked the episode of Two People Talking with DisguisedToast and Team Liquid too! I am learning a lot about chess from you 🙂

    Overcome your fears, there's definitely a GM in you.

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