I Trained Like A Chess Grandmaster

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Want to get into chess? Check out everyone featured in the video:
Levy Rozman (Gotham Chess) ►
Anna Rudolf (Anna_Chess) ►
Anna Cramling ►
Hikaru Nakamura (GMHikaru) ►
Alexandra and Andrea Botez (BotezLive) ►

Special thanks to Danny Rensch and Chess.com for making this episode possible!

Directed by Garrett Kennell ► ​
Edited by Silas Orteza ► ​
Director of Photography – Eric Lombart
Camera Operator – Nate Cornett
Assistant Editor – Madeline Puzzo ► ​
Castlemania Merch Designs – Derek Rudy ►

%1$ Comments820

    Congratulations Michelle for becoming a pro in chess, you definitely have some impressive dedication to reach that 1000 ELO goal.

    it doesnt matter if he can or cant see the board if you give him the coordinates

    WOW! I Know this is a year ago, but still congratulations madam Michelle

    Okay, as a struggling 850 after a couple of months, and a big fan of your coaches, I'll buy the shirt to inspire me. Well done!

    Absolutely magnificent person you are to learn absolutely everything, i admire you.

    perhaps, beginners should stop using a lot of chess voccab and practicing book openings until they are 1800 haha. just focus on principles and tactics.
    btw, I have never been above 1600 in my life. sooo… you. don't have to take my advice 😀

    bro you can play any move and a chessplayer will be like, "ah yes the king's gangrenous foot gambit"

    What's the boards and pieces names in the video thumbnail? I would like to buy that set.

    Im surprised Gotham went as far to let himself try blindfold chess

    key is to think.
    if you think hard enough and stay cool in the tricky situation you can manage to find good moves that put pressure on the other side, gain material and control. As most people know chess is about thinking, however if you are good at chess it doesn’t mean you are a good thinker. It means you are good at thinking in a certain way. That aside, great effort, with experience you will get better

    Can you please check your spam filter, because apparently my message was eaten by it *twice*…

    I love how she almost got a heart attack from Levy playing blindfolded

    Best way to get good at chess is to lose 100 games!

    How Hikaru sits there like a king on his throne

    So who gonna tell her that 1003 is one of the lowest rating possible and if u make a intermediate or high player account u start 1300 or 1500

    Let's not be confused. I'm here because of Levy. He's awesome!

    when michelle and pokimane are complimenting eachother and rensch is just sitting there like🙃

    forcing yourself to chess is not how to chess

    Disappointed in Levy at 2:20. Chess is an art. The only correct move was Bishop taxes with checkmate

    Hey You can play the national anthem bc you basically joined Secret Service

    Hi Michelle! My name is Namgay, I am 10 years old and I love playing chess! I challenge you to a 10 minute chess game and you may either decline, or take the offer. My user name is Tallfatprimaryguy2023. Good luck and continue your content creation!

    Stop with the damn moron face thumbnails please. Jesus

    Thank god i didn't watch this in one sitting probably have a headache

    Losing in chess is THE worst feeling. I’ve been playing for years and have only won a few games.

    Why would you use a metal tool in a teflon-pan????

    you make all of the masters so intimidating

    It was really exciting to comeback to this video and watching you play chess. Very fun

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