I Trained Like A Chess Grandmaster

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Want to get into chess? Check out everyone featured in the video:
Levy Rozman (Gotham Chess) ►
Anna Rudolf (Anna_Chess) ►
Anna Cramling ►
Hikaru Nakamura (GMHikaru) ►
Alexandra and Andrea Botez (BotezLive) ►

Special thanks to Danny Rensch and Chess.com for making this episode possible!

Directed by Garrett Kennell ► ​
Edited by Silas Orteza ► ​
Director of Photography – Eric Lombart
Camera Operator – Nate Cornett
Assistant Editor – Madeline Puzzo ► ​
Castlemania Merch Designs – Derek Rudy ►

%1$ Comments820


    Why is every 20/10 woman playing chess nowadays? Gotta say im loving the progression of the chess community

    Im not trying to hate, but why is this video titled "training like a grand master"?

    1:12, 3:12, 3:24 (couldnt bare to watch any more of her shit after this) her exaggerated reactions are so boring. come on america, get over this style of stupid behaviour. the real question is how do people like this find husbands that dont get utterly bored of the fakeness

    i am a huge fan of tennis too, love your smile Michelle

    I still believe that you still didn’t hit a 1000 rating, because the opponent auto-resigned. Maybe he was lagging. I feel like u should play one more ga,e.

    12:33 Can someone tell me why they can't just the white knight eat the black knight so that the white can destroy the defense? That can be also helpful if the knight is in the king's side

    hey, great video! I noticed there were some closed caption mistakes, maybe you would be interested in fixing them? It would help to make your videos more accessible to Deaf or Hard of Hearing viewers. An example I found was "just" instead of the word "chess" which is pretty important to the video 😉

    move bishop from move bishop from f1 to b5 and it’s game over, instant checkmate 9:23

    shes so amazed he knows where the pieces are? 😂😂

    In the start why does Gotham and hikaru feel sad

    I'm not a famous streamer but I bet I can still beat you 🙂

    that gotham kid is not even a grandmaster let alone one of the top chess players in the world… just saying

    Topnchess player and youncant find indian and russian thief

    Hikaru sitting in the big chair in the dark room like a villain is so funny to me

    can anyone informe me what is the softwar app that it used here to make a such video discussion please

    I learned chess like school for a whole year,…..its exhausting

    Love or hate him, Levy is entertaining sometimes. If you are wondering why I say love or hate him, he has a distinct personality, and his channel is a bit click bait. But I think it's good that there's so many different chess personalities on youtube. Be cool to meet Hikaru in real life. He's very interesting.

    I just started learning chess and this video makes me feel I can learn it! Thanks

    Just found your video. I’m just starting out chess and it was so good. Well done! Are you still playing ? I might need a teacher 😉

    Congrats Michelle… I feel like pulling my hair out

    how the shit this game lol… maybe I need more the 7 games under my belt lol

    just learning here… gotta beat my ex husband who took on our son who is 12 years old… later after beating my son 10 times and I have no experience my ex tells me he was in the chess club at his high school 10 years… no wonder he keeps beating our son who is just learning too.. So I am pretty smart myself with a Masters degree with no experience but am learning now to take him on lol…. help people. This is difficult at my age lol. I know where the pieces go but having difficulty

    that first fame played was funny. Gotham was trying 4 move mate, and he did this blindfold, knowing she would not see it

    Hey I just found out about you… Don't ask why so late 😀

    Your move on the last game against Blaine, Queen to h4 (Qh5+) is reviewed as a "great move" and then, how you planned after his Pawn to g6 to go with Knight takes g6 (Nxg6) would've been a BRILLIANT MOVE

    Amazing for someone who did not play chess, but had that courage to take this rollercoaster of emotions and go through it. Respect Michelle, huge respect!!!

    If you are bad at chess you are not stupid. Gates lost to Magnus easily even having a high IQ. Chess also needs practice, pattern recognition, mugging up openings, like a lot of other menial stuff. Yes there are some people who are instantly good at chess, their chess IQ is high. They might be stupid in other things. I see so many people getting frustrated with not being able to good at chess. It's not the only landmark of intelligence, though it is a landmark, like so many other things. Chess related mental health issues are needed to be discussed more.

    You definitely have CTF challenge .

    shes got this! she had an IQ high enough to write and produce the Among Us musical and work for Buzzfeed!

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