I Trained Like A Chess Grandmaster

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Want to get into chess? Check out everyone featured in the video:
Levy Rozman (Gotham Chess) ►
Anna Rudolf (Anna_Chess) ►
Anna Cramling ►
Hikaru Nakamura (GMHikaru) ►
Alexandra and Andrea Botez (BotezLive) ►

Special thanks to Danny Rensch and Chess.com for making this episode possible!

Directed by Garrett Kennell ► ​
Edited by Silas Orteza ► ​
Director of Photography – Eric Lombart
Camera Operator – Nate Cornett
Assistant Editor – Madeline Puzzo ► ​
Castlemania Merch Designs – Derek Rudy ►

%1$ Comments820

    you should try learning an instrument I recommend learning the cello

    This was such a incredible experience for us and Michelle and I hope to see more from her but it is a bit sad that she will probably never get back to chess again and if so it was still great to see her play chess and I will watch this video again and again as a good memory of this experience

    What a video. Congratulations, even if I'm a year late xD

    Levi was legit flexing in the beginning

    Well done! I would love it getting to 500 at the moment. WELL DONE!

    Imagine reading how to play chess 101

    So, when the player says check mate does that mean the game's over ?

    At 19:42 wouldn't bishop take pawn next to the queen be a better move, if black captured queen with knight then bishop captures blacks queen in return, rook retakes queen but doesn't threaten too much due to that area being locked down. And If queen captured bishop white actually wins a queen

    I just started playing chess about 2 months ago. I’m ok but I still have a lot to learn. It was cool to watch you learn too. I just learned how to play as black 2 days ago.

    I don't want to trivialize her accomplishment at all.. but has anyone else reached over 1000 in 5 games? I just want to know if I'm missing something.. maybe where I gained this, the competition wasn't as stiff?

    For that girl saying rooks on seventh doesn't have a name at 10:38: We call it pigs on the seventh !!

    I play chess at my school. My classmates don't bully me for it they just think I'm smart and why would I tell them differently

    Lol for a sec in the beginning I thought he was gonna embarrass her with the scholars mate. He sorta did but not in 4 moves

    I wouldn't expect someone with very little chess experience to begin playing in tournaments after 4 weeks of practices. Probably double or triple the time before you're properly ready. For Michelle to at least be somewhat competitive in most games is actually an achievement although the extra assistance does detract from this.

    Rainn most definitely saw that bishop attack on the rook moving the bishop was a complete mistake. I would have pounced on it like him.

    ive watched this video for the 4th time now, its like a motivation to play chess again 😂

    "Queen to F6"
    And that is when all hope was lost.

    Ok but seriously all things asides and my respects for this sport but dam can we take a moment to appreciate this young lady’s beauty like dam she is gorgeous. Ok back to it great video!❤

    Something ive learned from any game which has a concrete value of improvement, such as a rating or ranking, dont focus on getting a higher rating or rank but instead focus on getting better

    The Thumbnail is so stupid like have π and chess in commune

    michelle is a genius at making this video. she made it look like a documentary. I also like hikaru sitting on that chair while in the interview. makes him look like a badass

    This is like watching Beth Harmon learn chess. I love the Queen’s Gambit, and now love this too.

    hikaru sitting in his grandmaster chair makes me just laugh in a good way

    i was doing bad at prep school to grade 6 but my iq is above average (130-140) then i started playing chess (a few weeks ago)

    Hey gotham anytime you want to coach me you can

    Why are the Botez sisters shown when you said top chess players in the world? Alexandra's ranking is 27326 and Andrea is 67989. Neither are noteworthy players, they are entertainers. It would be like calling KSI one of the top boxers in the world.

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