I Trained Like A Chess Grandmaster

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Want to get into chess? Check out everyone featured in the video:
Levy Rozman (Gotham Chess) ►
Anna Rudolf (Anna_Chess) ►
Anna Cramling ►
Hikaru Nakamura (GMHikaru) ►
Alexandra and Andrea Botez (BotezLive) ►

Special thanks to Danny Rensch and Chess.com for making this episode possible!

Directed by Garrett Kennell ► ​
Edited by Silas Orteza ► ​
Director of Photography – Eric Lombart
Camera Operator – Nate Cornett
Assistant Editor – Madeline Puzzo ► ​
Castlemania Merch Designs – Derek Rudy ►

%1$ Comments820

    Congrats for improving and Bravo for dedicating the time and energy to it.

    On a different note as someone who has trained and taught in multiple fields, good job ignoring the platitudes and empty praise that people say to make others feel better (moreso to make themselves feel good, like they're helping and building one up), but which usually do more harm than good by building self-esteem that hasn't yet been earned or warranted. When dude called you "a great player" after a less than great performance against his less than average performance, I rolled my eyes completely. It probably made him feel better to assert that the opponent he had beaten was great, and also was almost certainly a suck-up for "points," as well as making him feel altruistic… but it doesn't do anything to help the recipient improve and in most cases it runs the risk of giving the recipient false confidence that hinders their learning and blinds them to flaws and mistakes. That's why so many attractive people are so incompetent (and completely oblivious to it, incorrectly believing that they are great at whatever they received false praise and ego strokes for doing)… so good job not being one of the people who fall into that trap.

    Edit: I just got to Rensh saying "that was a Grandmaster level game." smh… ish like that idiocy is why dudes get called "simps" for any compliment.

    london system is great but there are so many counters to it

    i just started dying laughing after hikaru appeared

    BlaineTheIrishMan: Man, i forgot to turn off the oven. hopefully I can make it back in time to finish this game

    Isn't sicilian dragon the most common trick ever. Like I did that from age 6 to 18 at any level everywhere in india

    That was honestly one of the most engaging YouTube videos I've ever watched. The last 35 minutes just flew by, it was an amazing journey and huge props to the editing! Here's a well deserved subscription 👏. I look forward to seeing more content.

    It wouldn't be a Michelle video with out her crying

    I am just happy to see hikaru and rozman here love you two

    bruh MK vs logic is not fair at all cuz Michelle was at 500 nd logic was at 1065

    lol, i hit 1000 with zero training in about a month…. she is dumb af

    Still don’t understand how people get nervous from a chess game I’ve played a lot and have never got nervous

    should've just switched to lichess to get to 1000

    What an amazing documentary Michelle. Really well produced and I loved seeing someone else's reaction to the world of thess!

    Michelle ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸

    I am 1300 elo that too without training from coaches. Only read books. And practice.

    Tilt is real – don't beat yourself up if you lose games – i've got into that funk and it just pulls you down

    Wheres the training like a checkers grandmaster video

    Editing on point, beautiful vidéo, well done. Respect. Very inspiring

    23:07 😂 As someone who doesn't play much chess, this is precisely my thought process at this point in the game, when it feels like every opponent piece is protected and moving any and every one of your pieces would result in another piece not being protected anymore. So damn relatable 😁

    "Isn't a fair fight so I'll put on a blindfold."
    Still not a fair fight😂

    0:40 am I mistaken or is that Garry Kasparov?

    I do respect the production quality but 1000 elo is not a big deal at all and doesn't require any training whatsoever. So this video doesn't really make any sense.

    I hope she quit and still plays Chess every now and then for fun

    This was very entertaining to watch especially since I’m learning how to play Chess

    I recommend watching queen of Katwe it was a really good movie

    This video inspired me to get back into chess! Thank you Michelle:)

    Younger me…had a 1200 rating and I got back after 3yrs and I went downnnnn to 670🥲

    lmao I fought you in chess, the profile picture is very sus ..

    I hope that person MK beat didn't just go AFK and actually lost fairly, heh.

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