I tried 500 Elo Chess. It was a mistake.

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%1$ Comments432

    When your white knight betrays you for the black queen.

    I am a 500 but this was just stupid- I also got a brilliant move once and the review that time said I was 1200?!?!? What the hell 😶

    Really nice of Levy's kidnappers to give him water

    If anyone is good a geo guesser. Find this man.

    I am indeed around 500, I just play chess as a fun activity, no seriousness is involved, but I did in fact see knight g6 at 5:06 I think is the time

    That dude in the last game was probably having a heart attack with that "500 elo gameplay" at the end of the game

    I'm rated 500 in bullet, I play while I'm at work and probably half of my games I get interrupted and lose by abandonment lol

    You play a dangerous game with your blood pressure.

    Levy, please stop using those stupid wide-eyed open mouthed face thumbnails! They are disingenuous and do NOT make me want to watch the video, quite the opposite.

    Watching Levy play 500s is like watching Overwatch pros against beginners. Just repeated intentional bad moves to see how long it takes his opponents to capitalize…and they never do.

    im a 600 elo and I know I suck at chess. We all start somewhere.

    5:17 what elo do you think would see that? I see moves like that, so do you think I could make it higher than 500

    Low elo and wholesome.
    New place new you?

    nahhh why are the 300s I play better than theese 500s ☠️☠️☠️☠️

    sometimes, watching these, i feel like i deserve a higher chess elo than 470

    Levy… Listen. We love the whole wholesome act. But you know what we really wanna see. We wanna see you absolutley shitting on low elo players

    I only play blitz and rapid and I was never 500 or close not even in the beginning, what do you do to be 500? After watching this I still don't know

    gotham you're so bad imagine losing to 500s LOLOLOLOLLOLLOLLOL

    How does this man keep on being kidnapped? It happens so often

    my brother think he can destroy you at chess his utilisator name is Rayanereal

    When in doubt, ask what kind of content they watch, streams shorts or short form videos.

    Levy's chess skill doesn't waver, even under dire circumstances.

    Shouldve shown the last analysis and game review with so many missed mates in 1😂

    bro it's not a vacation if you're still working you gotta chill out, record a few videos in advance and phone it in for a while

    Gotham please enjoy your vacation
    don't let this chess thing get in the way

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