I TROLLED This Chess Hustler Into Thinking I Was A Beginner
In this video, I went to Union Square Park and tried to make my opponent think I was a beginner in chess. His name is Tyrone and is a super nice guy that loves teaching chess! This was all just in good fun, and my opponent took it really well when I told him my real strength.
A chess hustler is just someone that plays chess on the streets for money. Union Square Park is a famous chess hustling NYC park, where hustlers play visitors from all over the world.
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#annacramling #chess #chesshustler
What a nice man and good player. He recognized your ability early on. He would be a fun person to play chess against.
Why would she try to troll him? He's a nice guy who teaches people to play one game at a time.
I just like this match for some reason.
The Hustler had a free pawn on E5. Take with Bishop, White Bishop is hanging.
"Me and my mom play a lot", did not mention that mom is a grand master though… Really fun game! I think that he really is a natural teacher, and a really good player.
.. legend has it he's still talking.
I couldn't play her , I would lose every time because I spent all time looking at her and not the broad ❤
It was really great hearing something other than "take, take, take"
This chess hustler was offering bad moves, so she can lose. A bunch of snowflake idiots in the comments.
Maybe terms have changed meanings since I was younger, but the term 'hustler' used to mean someone who pretended to be a novice at something and make wagers on the game, only showing their true talent once the bet was made.
This man is so wholesome and anna is one of the nicest people I love watching you ❤❤❤
I hope Ty got some ad revenue from 4.8M views 🫶
Tyrone needs his own channel if you ask me.
what a beautiful human being he is!!
Fantastiskt. hahah
Wow….he seems like such a good guy…..he's having fun.
The only way to lose twice in one game is to fail to resign after time runs out
At first I followed you bc u were hot but now I see following a grand master has proved beneficial because my game has improved just by watching you !!!
😂 he belongs 2 the streets 😅
Idk I find this to be pretty classless. Like dude comes from the streets and some rich white girl who’s dad probably spent thousands on private chess lessons for her just comes in and embarrassed him and records it. I’m sure if he could get to his level with absolutely no training or teaching at all he could probably destroy her if he was given the same opportunities she had. Idk just seems a bit gross to me.
Eine sehr sympathische charmante Frau, und ihr Lachen ist voll schön 😂❤
only those who know how to play call it a "file". you have to ask dumb questions like can a pawn move backwards or how can a knight move.
She's brilliant. She can think 2-3 moves ahead. That was fun to watch. She looked doomed there then she made a sacrificial move that looked stupid to me he bit too and then he was done. Fantastic. I'm hooked now damnit lol….
Someone who tricks their opposition into thinking they’re a beginner when they’re actually skilled is the very definition of a “Hustler”. The title is of this video is so incredibly idiotic.
15:50 Why didn't black take white rook c3-a1??
She shouldn’t have called him on times, because he spent so much of it teaching her. That dude played well, but should’ve known earlier.
That’s cruel.
I have to say that the people Anna plays against are just wonderful and usually very kind, no matter what they do or don't know about her abilities. I especially like the players who think she is a beginner..they are often really good teachers, and the spirit of friendly competition is really good to see, Chess players are so bright. I wish I could think on so many levels at once, but I just don't have that kind of mind. It's so amazing to me! When I was 9 I briefly knew how to play, but there was no one to play with and i forgot it all.
The title implies you are the hustler. Meanings of words matter.
Watching you drag that out was so funny, i think i could have beat him an ive not played since i was 10 🤔🤣🤣
I love the level of verbosity on both sides as I learn the thinking process of every move! Very valuable information ℹ️🤗
I have to say she's so cute when she plays.
He had it in the bag until he went D2 with his rook @ 14:56…close one
What a wonderful guy, he is a natural teacher
Loved the vid
kek… fun/great game
this chess hustler seems to be a good person. He is a good chess player, too.
Too many videos calling decent people playing chess for fun “Hustlers”. The negative connotation is wrong.
I don't think this is cool at all. More like a being a bully. A Grand Master picking on average players. No different than a professional boxer going to a gym and knocking everyone out at the local gym.
Why is he a hustler though?
This guy isn't a hustler at all. He's a great guy.
Doesn’t that make you a chess hustler?
Brilliant 😀❤️
Why are all of the black men “chess hustlers”?
You're evil1 🙂
this guy is awesome!
Love seeing you hustle all these arrogant dudes who mansplain everything to you because you're a young woman. Why do they all talk so much, just stfu and play the game.
Too many ads. You lost me as a viewer.
8:35 she didn't see pawn c4 brillant moooooove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!