I Was SHOCKED When I Realized Who My Bar Opponent Was…

I played a blitz chess tournament in Paris, in a bar called Blitz society, and faced someone that I really was not expecting. Hope you enjoy the video and let me know what you think about the voice over!

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#annacramling #chess #master

%1$ Comments505

    Omg she is perfect combination of beauty brains and personality

    Shy not out your left hand above the clock for faster time?

    she laugh loud and exagerated for everything and nothing.
    my mom a gm my mom a gm my dad a gm my dad a gm so anoying with her huge mouth she could eat her own head in one bite

    Oh nice you stood your game valiantly and very respectably against this beast of cerebral neocortex. He was a little generous and confident with the timing though, he wanted a win not a draw. Respect. The commentary as always top notch.

    He is watching your eyes when your thinking about your moves.

    Who was that person? I don’t think you mentioned his name.

    You are wearing a sleeveless top and he's wearing a thick hooded sweatshirt!
    I appreciate your choice of that low-key, moody, minimalist music.

    By the look of his face he thought he would be shaking too tonight

    My God. How mentally strong do you have to be to play under such pressure?

    All of a sudden I' ve been watching some girl playing chess for about two hours or so and I'm really enjoying it and thinking about starting to play myself again. Thanks! 😅

    I'm a war/board gamer who's really not into chess but that was just great. Love to see inside the thought processes. On the whole it felt more tactical than strategic but that might just be me not appreciating the bigger picture. One of the few times I can thank the algorithm.

    12:33 why didnt he check?
    i mean, i am no one in this game, but since he didnt do it, she was able to start her atack

    Your opponent is a half bowling ball. I'm not impressed!!!

    Świetna gra. Pozdrawiam Ciebie i Wojtka. Ccubba

    Dick move on his part going back and forth only to develop a draw in the end.

    You played well. If I were you, I'd not be scared from a 2300 player. Of course, it might be easy for me to say as 40+ years ago I was at much higher rating than 2300. The position with pawns on e4 and f3 is solid, but black has more space on the Queen size, hence I'd like to recommend to you a different plan, prepping f4 and e5 instead of keeping the e4 and f3 pawn formation.

    Closest hes ever been to a woman. He was off balance lol

    Someone know if they drink a glass after, he looks shy

    I know all the pieces and where they go and how to move them. But that's all. I couldn't play a game of chess if my life depended on it.😅

    "i pressed this and the display said goodbye"

    Yeah, thats the level of game a guy like this has.

    I don't play much chess, but I have played a lot of pool. I find that when I play someone way better than me, I become a better player too. They have a tendency to lift you up to their level somehow 🙂 It's a great feeling to see what you can become 🙂

    It was very educational listening to her narrate that game.

    This is great very interesting , I play chess on a pool table 😁 . E fern Reyes is a chess player. Best pool player in the world also

    Great game , top players often have that nack of staying out of trouble , that kittle bitvextra

    Wow! Well done Anna, he really gave you a hard time but you did such a good job in the situation!

    O think they gave you a run to keep you in.. nice work how ever

    Terrific pkay-by-pkay narration! Had me on the edge of my seat!

    was like watching a horse race leading to the line

    I dont like the whole only having X anount of time for chess

    I thought it shout be a rule about the position could not be the same in a there times in a row

    You may be good but there are far more men that are better at chess than women. All these videos prove is just like a woman you like attention.

    Ask for rating but not reveal your own rating is abit tricky here…

    What a fun game! I all the sudden remembered the chess theory I was taught when I played club chess back in my school time. Lovely

    That man is a good man. He goes to chess tournaments and gives lesser rated players the chance to draw to build their resume.

    Hey, great game! Very nice commentary. I want to see more of these OTB games, especially in the faster time controls.

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