“I Will Continue to let My Chess Speak For Itself”

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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Niemann, Hans Moke (2667) – Rapport, Richard (2752)
FIDE Grand Swiss 2023 (chess24.com) [4] 2023.10.28
D12 Queen’s Gambit Declined Slav, 4.e3 Bf5

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.e3 Bf5 5.Nc3 e6 6.Nh4 Bg6 7.Qb3 Qc7 8.Bd2 Ne4 9.Nxe4 Bxe4 10.cxd5 Bxd5 11.Bc4 Be7 12.Nf3 Nd7 13.Qc2 Nf6 14.Bd3 Bxf3 15.gxf3 Nd5 16.a3 O-O-O 17.O-O-O g5 18.Kb1 Kb8 19.Rc1 h6 20.Qb3 Ka8 21.Bc4 Qd7 22.Ba5 Rc8 23.Rhd1 Bd8 24.Be1 Bc7 25.h3 Rhd8 26.a4 Bb8 27.Ba5 Bc7 28.Bd2 Bb8 29.Ka1 Qe7 30.Ba5 Bc7 31.Bd2 Bb8 32.Rc2 Bd6 33.Ba5 Re8 34.e4 Nf4 35.Bf1 Bc7 36.Bb4 Qd7 37.a5 a6 38.Bc5 Rcd8 39.Rdc1 Bxa5 40.Qa4 Qc7 41.b4 Bb6 42.Bxa6 Kb8 43.Ra2 Rxd4 44.Bb5 Kc8 45.Bxb6 Qxb6 46.Bxc6 Nd3 47.Qa8+ Kc7 48.Bxe8+ Nxc1 49.Rc2+ Kd6 50.Qb8+ Ke7 51.Rc7+

The 2023 FIDE Grand Swiss is taking place from October 25-November 11 on the Isle of Man, UK. The 11-round Swiss tournament will determine two places in the 2024 Candidates Tournament that decides Ding Liren’s next challenger. The total prize fund is $460,000, with $80,000 for 1st place.

The time control of 100 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 50 minutes for the next 20 moves, followed by 15 minutes for the rest of the game, with a 30-second increment from move 1. Official website: grandswiss.fide.com

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%1$ Comments155

    Hans mockingbird die-man is pretty good actually lol

    Hans is the Victor van Doom of the modern chess Era. Just a straight villain haha love to hate hate to love. Gotta love it ❤❤😂 ♟️

    The only way Hans could make such brilliant moves is if he is cheating.
    – Magnus

    Double weak pawn helping this checkmate 😂

    „I will continue letting my Chess speak for itself“ said Niemann while looking slightly uncomfortable, a slight vibration in his voice 😂

    Hans will continue to be known more for his repeated cheating.

    Nic (J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. Bentulan) says:

    2nd : Hikaru's wife lost to Wesley So's girlfriend, who thanked him as her secret second in the 2023 USCC closing ceremony speech.

    But Atousa almost beat Carissa Yip!

    It wasn't a clean victory. Carissa was losing most of the game. Atousa just blundered in the end.

    Please consider reviewing this game and in particular spreading the rumour that Carissa Yip is dating Wesley So based on Carissa's X header – it's a photo of just Carissa & Wesley (& Leinier & Melik).

    move 54 for black is an 8-move equality puzzle

    it's so sharp

    [Variant "From Position"]

    [FEN "1Q5k/3r1rn1/p3N3/Pp1p2P1/1q2p3/1B2R2P/5P2/6K1 b"]

    1… Kh7 2. g6+ Kxg6 3. Rg3+ Kf6 4. Nxg7 Rxg7 5. Qf4+ Ke6 6. Qh6+ Kf5 7. Rxg7 Rxg7+ 8. Qxg7 Qxb3







    Nic (J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. Bentulan) says:

    Good. Richard Rapport supported Liren Ding who had that stupid list of role model players. Look it up. It's those baseless accusers Veselin Topalov, cheater Magnus Carlsen & cheater Garry Kasparov over Vlad Kramnik, Wesley So, Bobby Fischer. Im sure ian Nepomniachtchi would like the opposite list more. I bet liren likes hikaru nakamura over hans niemann too right? Lol

    – axis of evil = good guys:

    wesley so, hans niemann, bobby fischer, sergey karjakin, vladimir kramnik(?), ian nepomniachtchi, alireza firouzja, nodirbek abdusattorov, andrii baryshpolets, vishy anand, andrew tate

    – allies of evil = bad guys:

    magnus carlsen, hikaru nakamura, garry kasparov, daniil dubov, veselin topalov(?), liren ding, aryan tari, vincent keymer, arkady dvorkovich, peter heine nielsen, piers morgan

    – axis of evil (female) = good girls:

    tingjie lei (or paikidze), janelle frayna, dina belenkaya, sara khadem (or carissa yip), robbi jade lew

    – allies of evil (female) = bad girls:

    wenjun ju, bella khotenashvili, andrea botez, atousa pourkashiyan-nakamura, nemo zhou

    More info:

    What chess streamers do in smurfing or challenges under different names isn't that different to the cheating Hans did. Add to the fact Hikaru claims 20-25% of Titled Tuesday players are cheating and it doesn't seem that bad. You learn a lot cheating on alt accounts. It would be nice if you could declare before every so often you are playing with an engine so your opponent doesn't know, but also doesn't lose rating. This helps you understand human play better, which is what Hans Niemann seems to be great at.

    Magnus is not wrong about cheating though. There should be very strict controls in major tournaments. No spectators even, only a single arbiter.

    I actually would recommend sporadic cheating to test yourself if you are stuck on a level. Study alone can't replicate gameplay. I think it should just be an option like when you play the bots.

    10:31 What did he say? Promote your rook to full * pig??? (I know rook on 7th rank is pig but what couldnt hear all)

    Hans is dangerous because he really understands how to beat the player, not just how to be objectively better given a position. Rapport likes off beat, attacking chess so playing solid, boring, incrementally improving but drawing moves eventually was bound to frustrate him into lashing out with a bad move. Psychological chess at the highest levels, something we don’t see everyday! Watch this space, Hans got gud!

    Is there any game you'd consider to have the greatest bluff of all time?

    Rapport had a big part to play in the chess events leading up to the world championship . Along with his withdrawal from the Sinquefeld cup which lead to the fated Magnus – Hans clash , he also lost with white to Nepo in the Candidates in a drawing line which everybody except Rapport knew . Caruana was incandescent with rage because it gave Nepo a huge impetus to win the Candidates . Afterwards , he was Ding's second in the world championship match .

    As for Hans , he is burnishing his own legend by standing up to Hikaru and Magnus . he may have to do something about facing Caruana though to whom he has lost 5 out of 5 classical games .

    Why Han's chess is on mute when against Magnus?

    One also has to thank the great Rapport. It seems in a lot of his games he can draw, or force a draw, but Richard continues playing and suddenly falls victim to a great attack.

    In the light of recent Magnus' losses to much lower-rated counterparts the scandal with Hans Niemann now more and more seems to be a witchhunt

    Sounds good. Play chess and stop mouthing off.

    He has been playing good chess, we will need to let go of the past after a while.

    Hans kind of has to let his Chess do the talking since his pathetic attempts at suing failed. Maybe he doesn't cheat anymore, and maybe he does. The correct response would have been to civilly defend himself and improve his reputation, not make a scene.


    #suggestion Samuel Sevian vs Erwin l'Ami. INSANE game, where Sevian at one point played Kh1 with all his pieces hanging and it was the best move lol

    The strength of the buttplug will return

    The next World Champion. Sorry to the haters

    2:32 you might think about just castles and then think about the game plan

    2:43 you have to handle the bishop with care

    2:45 bishop captures on f3

    Only Agad can do this 😂😂😂

    Hans is an amazing Talent . Magnus was salty and put Hans reputation in Stake. Hans will bounce back strong.. Hail this American Talent…..

    Damn, I actually came early to an Agad video! Thanks for bringing good chess home

    Hans is a beast… Magnus was mad wrong he nearly destroyed such a great talent,
    Argue with your ancestors🤝

    9:58 Bd7 check if Kd8 Rc8 Ke7 Rxe8 check. And if Kb8 then Qa8 mate.

    Title should be renamed to "I will continue to let the engine speak for itself" 😂😂😂

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