“I Will Continue to let My Chess Speak For Itself”

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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Niemann, Hans Moke (2667) – Rapport, Richard (2752)
FIDE Grand Swiss 2023 (chess24.com) [4] 2023.10.28
D12 Queen’s Gambit Declined Slav, 4.e3 Bf5

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.e3 Bf5 5.Nc3 e6 6.Nh4 Bg6 7.Qb3 Qc7 8.Bd2 Ne4 9.Nxe4 Bxe4 10.cxd5 Bxd5 11.Bc4 Be7 12.Nf3 Nd7 13.Qc2 Nf6 14.Bd3 Bxf3 15.gxf3 Nd5 16.a3 O-O-O 17.O-O-O g5 18.Kb1 Kb8 19.Rc1 h6 20.Qb3 Ka8 21.Bc4 Qd7 22.Ba5 Rc8 23.Rhd1 Bd8 24.Be1 Bc7 25.h3 Rhd8 26.a4 Bb8 27.Ba5 Bc7 28.Bd2 Bb8 29.Ka1 Qe7 30.Ba5 Bc7 31.Bd2 Bb8 32.Rc2 Bd6 33.Ba5 Re8 34.e4 Nf4 35.Bf1 Bc7 36.Bb4 Qd7 37.a5 a6 38.Bc5 Rcd8 39.Rdc1 Bxa5 40.Qa4 Qc7 41.b4 Bb6 42.Bxa6 Kb8 43.Ra2 Rxd4 44.Bb5 Kc8 45.Bxb6 Qxb6 46.Bxc6 Nd3 47.Qa8+ Kc7 48.Bxe8+ Nxc1 49.Rc2+ Kd6 50.Qb8+ Ke7 51.Rc7+

The 2023 FIDE Grand Swiss is taking place from October 25-November 11 on the Isle of Man, UK. The 11-round Swiss tournament will determine two places in the 2024 Candidates Tournament that decides Ding Liren’s next challenger. The total prize fund is $460,000, with $80,000 for 1st place.

The time control of 100 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 50 minutes for the next 20 moves, followed by 15 minutes for the rest of the game, with a 30-second increment from move 1. Official website: grandswiss.fide.com

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%1$ Comments155

    Hans should shave his head, or cut the top much shorter. Right now it looks like some mop or some bad toupee that is used in those jokes/skits about bald people..

    Or at least style the top better, like slick it back fully, not this little wild bum fluff that he is rockin in the picture lol

    Notice how Hans hasn't played at the same level he did back when he crushed Magnus? When the scandal happened? I wonder why that is… 🤔

    Rapport beat Magnus, Niemann beat Rapport, nice

    And if Magus has the guts to show in court, he will prove facts matter.

    Hans looks like you without your gotie

    Hans MonkaS Nieman strikes again with his hidden computers no doubt LOL.

    Funny how Niemann makes every move that the engine calculates as the most accurate throughout the whole game

    I like hans. he was demonized by the chess world because they saw an opening and they knew that starting some crazy drama with a wild story relating to anal beads would draw a lot of attention to chess and the current players. Hans leans into it with his online persona and it has done a lot for the chess community… he didn't deserve to get publicly humiliated but he took it like a champ and kept playing. he's a great chess player and anybody who says otherwise is just trying to defend the fact that it was wrong for so many people to blatantly lie about him. No idea if he cheated against magnus, I don't care if he did when he was 16. Nobody should have to be on the news for putting something in their butt.

    Hans is good but wtf does "chess speaks for itself" mean? Sounds like a dumb commercial slogan. Does it mean "well I won so I must know what I'm doing" but that's obvious, or does it mean "I won so now I'll shut up and say nothing", which is rude

    Hans is playing well. Good vibrations all around.

    Hey Agadmator, thanks for your chess education. I'm no good. I got into chess in the late 70s when my brother was good – 1500 point range. I drove him to a lot of tournaments before he hung up his chessboard. My question for you is on points now. I saw a clip where they said that Magnus Carlsen was almost 3900 points. Has the rating system changed? That seems pretty high to me. Not saying Magnus is not one of the all time best, but I seem to remember Fischer being in the 3000 range, is Magnus really a 1000 points better than Fischer was at his peak? Anyhoo, keep the videos coming.

    "i will continue to let my good grades that i cheated to achieve speak for themselves*." stfu

    Keep magnus'ing out the wins. There is nothing easy here with every opponent offering a different challenge. Getting a win is gold in what will be a very tight tournament. Black pieces likely next so a draw would be absolutely ok.

    Hans' personality reminds me of incrediboy from The Incredibles lmao

    A player that I'll never give importance.
    I don't like cheaters, don't believe in cheaters, don't believe that they deserves a second chance.
    People do stupid an nasty things to achieve their dreams, cheaters do it even more and worst.
    And I tend to side with science, always.
    Niemann woke up one fine day 4 years ago playing with a precision that jumped from 0.39 centipawns lost per-move to 0.19 centipawns lost per-move in just one day, with no growth curve and no "improvement" and that is impossible mathematically speaking.
    Mental note: this accuracy was only achieved by Bob, Garry, Carlsen and Caruana in the story and they all went through the learning curve.

    Bro started cheating again 😂😂.

    I checked with stockfish and it emphatically agrees with hans.

    Rapport didn't believe that chess speaks for itself and was severely punished.

    Why this cheated man is always on this channel?

    I like how Hans dealt with Blacks King pawns to get them out of the way. A lot of shuffling and maneuvering but he was able to exploit the funky pawn structure and breakthrough.

    f6: Game for game, I am Black's riskiest move.
    O-O-O: Challenge accepted.

    Few Years Ago in a BBC documentary, the anchor asked Magnus, what was his greatest fear, he said not be crazy like Bobby Fischer. Well Magnus has reached a level where is any 2600 beats him, its cheating and he almost accused the Kazak GM who destroyed him in Qatar Masters, so he's getting crazy. Way to go Hans,

    Lawyer: Hans you need to be honest with me and tell me everything you know so i can defend u in court.
    Hans: my chess speaks for itself.
    Lawyer: will it speak for you in court as well?
    Hans: Did i stutter?

    So these allegations that Hans Niemann cheats are not true. He he defeated a 2700+ rated player and went on to draw against Alireza.

    He faces Razor Ferocious next. Smoken'.

    It's true that his reputation has been damaged, I cannot help but think he is a cheater and playing against top tier grandmasters because of that. After that breakthrough of 2700 I have never seen him reach it again

    Hans performs despite easily being the most scrutinized player on the planet. He has the mental toughness to ignore the naysayers. 🤠

    watching a cheater is an interesting experience. waiing for him to be caught is innevatable.

    Nice game! Good to see more games of Hans winning. I used to like Hikaru, but he has been extremely toxic/abusive towards Hans. He always tries to find any way he can abuse Hans for not even any good reason.

    Care, što više Fišerovih partija… Takođe, Marfijev kraljev gambit…

    What kind of sucks for Rapport was that he didn’t really want to keep repeating a move so he left his Rook in an alternative square and let Hans get his way that was costly in this game I’m glad Hans is doing well Rapport’s a great player loses some tough games Thanks Agadmator

    Do you have Wesley vs Finland IM murder match>? HAHAHA

    Didn’t like the mechanical way in which opening commentary was made without explaining the idea behind the moves- just some variations given

    Will your chess speak for you with buzzes and in Morse code, Hans?

    Difficult for me to watch Hans play.

    Cheaters like hans as well as the guy who disgraced the good Petrosian name should be perma banned from competitive chess theres no place for cheaters.
    Hey Hans, where's your ipad?

    Hans will always be a cheater in my eyes. Ali will kill him, there are worlds between Ali and Rapport.

    As always I'm here to enjoy the show when it comes to puzzles

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