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Levy never fails to amaze me with his dedication for Road to GM. Rooting for you, Levy! ❤
Keep it up Levi! We the community believes in you 🎉 Im glad that you are believing in yourself now too
Bro thinks he's Magnus now that he's won two games. LOL just kidding. Good luck Levy.
Congrats! You are really getting better. Just don't rush 🙂
d5 was like a Leela move! Who cares about pawns when you can suffocate the opponent like boa constrictor?
Also you are winning Hikarus respect and that's something.
You are already a GM in my eyes
But i pray for you to achieve GM title
I guess this makes you the top player in the tournament
Bros beating General Managers way too easily ❤❤❤
Go Levy Go !! GM norm on it's way !!
I really want one day Gotham to post a Video saying Gm Gotham as the title and it’s not click bait I will actually be as happy as he would be
Keep going man, wish the best for you
Ngl Hikaru recaps much better. Roasted.
Gotham's calculation has now suddenly reached a level where I can't understand what he's talking about.
Good Game your opponent seemed relegated to playing defense for the most part you were the one causing problems and doing the attacking Great play getting those passed pawns down to the six and seven ranks it helped he kept his pieces in positions mainly to defend his king wasn’t much counterplay attacking your king
what a rollercoaster of a game 😵💫😵💫😵💫
after the black knight rotates to the back rank the game got unreasonably sharp!!
nicely done Levy!!🎉
It will be nice to see a GM on this channel, it was a breath of fresh air when your coach came on, here's hoping you get there.
Chess is a racist game, when i play with black, I always lose 😂
Its nice to see you getting ur gm title i know u have wanted this hut didnt really wanna work on getting it after IM. But now that u can make this ur life and do it for a living and make good money from this luck and success it nice to see that u can do this. Great job
man, this event feels like what the Garry Kasparov vs. The Internet should have felt like in 1999
You rock Levy !!!
Lets go Levy, we believe in you!!!
You will get your first norm in this tournament. Don't doubt yourself. All the best 👍
Well done Levy 👍,Keep going ,
It is night and day Levy! Great work!
It's so crazy how a subtle change in move order can mess up your winning position. Rooting for you Levy! You're amazing.
damn blud ur commendable
Let’s fucking go Levy!!!
Levy, this is by far your best chess ever. Kudos to your coach, it is NOT easy getting through to advanced talent in any field. Kudos to you for seeking improvement through a coach. Your recaps are better than ever. If I may be so bold, I would suggest studying Civil War battle plans, Napolean battle plans, and for speed, Gen Patton battle plans. Chess is simulated, simplified war, without ANY loss, so when one puts himself in the place of those battles, one understands pressure. Good job Levy.
These recaps against strong players have been the most invested and locked in I've felt during your videos. Please continue your journey despite the challenges that may lie ahead. We support you!
dammmmnn amazng!!!!!
So is this on track to be your first GM norm, or…?
Levy is a new Dark Knight😮
I don’t know why I’m all of a sudden so interested in chess. I definitely blame Levy though. This content is great
rooting for you here in Brazil
I am proud of you Levy.
really enjoying the series <3
You got this, Levy. You deserve this Gm title
Massive preparation, massive implementation, chin up and good luck with mind control 😊
I can't explain how much I'm exhalted for this serie. There may be ups and downs, but I'll always support you. Your passion and your irony brought me into chess… I owe you a lot.
Go Levy!!!
Hikaru and Levy milking each other.
Did Levy, that consummate purveyor of epistolary entertainments, desist forthwith from the protracted milking of Magnus, whose countenance doth perpetually grace the myriad missives of yore?
It's amazing how much better people perform when they're not losing the head game. Good job Levy. I love seeing this kind of personal development.
Bro is gonna be grandmaster in no time, in one day he could beat hikaru
I'm so happy for him, Go Levy.. 👑
GM norm lets go!!!