I WON AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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%1$ Comments192

    Feeling like you're a better player would seem critical to then back it up. It frees your mind from the cycle of doubting and hesitation. Good prep allows that feeling btw. I'm a 1300 so I'd know lol

    20:45 at the time I think the best move was to put the bishop on h3 and black gets skewered,if he moves his queen he loses his rook,if he takes the bishop then after queen e8 check bishop f8 and pawn to c3 is just mate in few moves

    🔥🔥🔥🔥 G.O.A.T. 🔥🔥🔥🔥

    @ 4:40 to stop bishop d4? What?
    I know it's late but that might be a goof 🤪

    im still confused about how norms work (yes ive read the wikipedia), is it basically just the level of play of the tournament? So this tournament is for gm norms, so its at a high enough level that a non-gm can qualify to become one?

    The little touch where you slightly fade the board colors to show you planning rather than llaying is great.

    Maybe it would be better to not tell us if you win or lose in the title??

    The process may take years but I believe you'll get there, barring serious illness or injury.

    No question. You are definitely stronger than your rating. By how much remains to be determined.

    Are you on methamphetamines? Your jaw kinda rocks back and forth and your pupils look a bit dilated

    I thought this was about chess but i just see milk comments and thinking there is a cow opening out there….xD

    Come on dude, using anal beeds not cool man

    I watch the Hikaru recap and yours. Why not both?

    Well done. Have confidence but stay humble.

    I'm gonna tell my children that levy used to make YouTube videos as an IM

    Can somebody explain to me.. so Levy need 3 GM norms in order to get the GM title, will this be his first norm if he wins or?

    We are all so happy for you bro. It feels like a win for us all

    Chills when you were talking about the gap between you and these BEASTS! Not as big as you thought!! You can do it Lev!!

    Levy my man thanks for your videos I started chess like 10 months ago as a complete noob now I m 1414 rating ❤🎉🎉 thank you even though I can't afford yout premium vidoes , your vidoes really helped thanks levy

    If levy continues with this performance, Kramnik is going to start asking for cavity search at the beginning of each match

    Its time for GothaMchess (pls understand the wordplay)

    Yo, stay in Spain for a few weeks extra, and go watch the F1 race in Barcelona. You'll have hella fun.

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