This is the vlog and recap of round 1 of a chess tournament I am playing right now in Mallorca, Spain 🙂 I’m so excited to bring you on this chess journey these next 9 days – hope you enjoy the vlog!!!!

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments694

    So much joy, mad props for the personality yo

    Your Dad wanted you to take things seriously 😉

    Enough about chickens. You did very well and it was exciting to watch your analysis and critique of your own moves.

    0:52 wahahahahaha, you…. CHILD! :'D I love it, it was so cute tho.

    Anna is the best she can beat everybody!😊

    Wow. It is after 1 AM, she played a GM for hrs, has a game tomorrow and she is sharp in reflection and wit.

    Anna, while the chicken was still blurry it looked like a t rex. Pause it at 0:56

    Anna needs to save more time on the opening-game. call it winning, via better time-management. because, like a Monte Carlo simulation, the end-result is so much farther away, and the possibilities greater. it's in the middle game, where things seem to count the most (in terms of time well-spent).

    quiquiriquí my grandfather used to say that for chicken/rooster noises all the time all the time. that took me out

    Love your channel, very interesting and different things happening, so thankyou for your hard work. If I can offer oen piece of encouragement, you hold yourself back by thinking so much about the words Grand Master. Forget the title, they are nothing special, just think of the worst player, the best player, and react with your thoughts the same. Dont be excited, dont be cocky, dont me cautious, dont be worried… just be you and forget about "fearing" and be fearless.. Example.. kids are never scarred when they are excited and having fun. Be a kid, have fun, be dangerous.

    It is a Banty rooster they fight well good oman for you

    Look at that chicken thing. I just ate dome chicken lol. Gotta love Anna

    Congratultions! It was fascinating listening to your logic in making moves.

    She saw, she came, she ate. – Chicken historian

    That was free-range chicken you ate, didn't you, Anna?

    To draw a GM playing with black, you should be very proud. Congrats Anna. Keep on doing what you love

    Congratulations on your draw! on your way to becoming a GM

    I forget the queen is trilingual, you go Anna

    feel you will do well listen to your inner self

    Soon it will be, "i beat a grandmaster"

    Great work! You even had a better position at one stage. Nice one.

    As much as I like watching these videos, I have come to the conclusion that it is best for me to skip to the end to see whether it I going to be an anticlimax. With her Mom saying she played well, I assumed Anna won. Also, the description of the game always includes the moves she should have made but didn't, which to me becomes frustrating, particularly as Anna is always panicing about time after spending too long thinking. I'm not sure about other players, but she seems highly emotional for a chess player. Eg. really scared, really stressed, super happy.

    We all know which chicken you had for lunch..

    your best moves are your preventative moves… the 5 p of production, I call them… proper, preparation, prevents, poor, performance…

    Its a rooster the male of the chicken species.

    4:15. "i'm playing a grandmaster." your face – perfect. 🥰

    Way to go! That is awesome! Next time you beat a grand master!

    Stress is a real hard thing to deal with especially when you social norms say that your worse than someone your playing against but with consistent practice you will become a grandmaster no doubt about it

    COCK!!!! Surprised I can say that and mean it seriously 😐

    totally unrelated but has anyone ever seen a 2 minute ad that you could not click out of on YouTube?
    I just encountered one like that..
    is this a new thing or have i just been lucky thus far?

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