This is the vlog and recap of round 1 of a chess tournament I am playing right now in Mallorca, Spain 🙂 I’m so excited to bring you on this chess journey these next 9 days – hope you enjoy the vlog!!!!

⭐️ Standings:
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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments694

    Great game! I didn't think your nerves would hold up. You have great teachers!

    If you don't know what a chicken it sweetheart,—you are playing way too much chess.

    Nobody won. Waste of time and energy. I skip right the end of your vids in matches so I don't waste mine.

    That is a rooster–make version of a chicken.

    I’m guessing your face hurts at the end of the day because you have a constant smile!
    Your dopamine levels must be through the ruff!

    Yeah, that's definitely a chicken. Not sure which other bird you had in mind, but it's a chicken. Can't make out too much of the detail, but I think it's a saddle chicken. 😂

    I can't believe you ate that chicken xD

    It is a chicken. It's a rooster which means he's a boy.

    I wouldI like ❤❤to play chess wiith Anna !

    Anna sounds like her mom when she’s tired

    Anna: Hi Mom, how did I play today
    Anna's Mom: Oh, Anna, good to hear from you, you played so well today
    Anna: Thank you Mom! I was glad to get a good position from the middlegame…
    Anna's Mom: No, I mean you didn't play the Cow Opening…

    It's comforting that such a intelligent skilled women doesn't now everything 😂 I thought that a rooster would be commen knowledge.😂

    Congratulations ! You played such a good game. (im late cause i just finished your 8h video… jeezus)

    A draw with black. Congrats. She was an amazing opponent

    It is a chicken… here is a little biology for you. A female checken is called a hen. And a male chicken is called a rooster or a cock. Hense the, cockadoodle doo…. this feels like common knowledge to me but hey everyone grew up differently

    Good for you Anna! Well done and good luck with your future games. Have a nice rest!

    You could have won this… Easy said than done, I know. Beautifully done

    so refreshing to see your happiness !!! well done !

    Anna, Anna…woop woop! Fantastic! [As I say to everyone, I never exchange Queens unless forced to. I love the piece and never understand chess' convention of being eager to get rid of it!] Great to hear you speak Swedish. Can you speak Spanish too?

    That is a chicken yes. Specifically that's a rooster (male)

    Congratulations tough I don't understand. Chest I'm happy for you. That's a roster

    Am I stupid or do you have the names on the wrong side of the board?

    Nice post – But, and this a criticism of the post as a whole-
    Fewer looks at you at the board will clean up your posts. (just trying to help)

    Yes PxP at 14:33, was better.
    Showing forward moves from this point, helps much better.

    i love how different her energy is when she speaks different languages: badass when speaking spanish, energetic with english, and so delicate while speaking swedish (kinda sounded like stitch, very cute 🥹)

    i love how spanish chickens go "ki ki di ki ki" but american chickens go "buh buh buh cawh"

    I like these post game analysis. Last time I watched this channel it was similar vids of otb competition.

    Your mom is probably thinking 'what are you thinking about? CASTLE!'

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