im sorry
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😮😮😮😮😮😮im speechless 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
i m still at 500 elo cuz i play the fried liver but do not worry i learned many things from u proffesor
(GM rizz)
Just don't be greedy
Karma is a bitch boy 😂
I've been on the brink of not having any fun with games until your channel came out. It was my turning point to enjoying the game for the last 2 years. Please don't stop making your videos.
wth did i just watch LOL
I played chess for years then I stopped chess for years for years and one day I wanted to watch YouTube and your video popped on my phone and I watched it then one more and more videos of your then I signed for a tournament and I was 2nd place because of you and I don't care if quit I just wanted to tell you thank you for the journey levy
Seems just bad chess. But Matias sent you this, so now I know what chess humor can be. Belly laugh at it and your take. Stay true to yourself and your love of chess.
Please don't retire levy you are one of the only reasons that I am getting better at chess ,also your content is fire never seen something better than this in youtube
As i saw 3 queens, i was pretty sure about stalemate
You teach me how to play chess by watching your videos
Love u gofam🤝 keep up bringing the good content! Also, like how u break the fourth wall by telling me to put down the remote 😂
Plzzzzzz don’t retire your my favorite chess YouTuber and really smart
HAHAHAHAHA. Okay. OKAY. I am officially in tears
We are evolving back to apes
This game isn't useless for two things.: 1. You can use it as a bad example. 2. It's a interesting finish with the fool Queen that isn't usual.
Checkiiii checki check check white be like what the heck 😂
Levy, dont be angry about what other people did, it was completely out of your control, andbI understand that that was bs, but you gotta understand that people are like this sometimes, just simply dont let it get to you.
Put this man in a theatre
My honest reaction:🤯💀
So…. was a game oh chess…. life goes on ,son. Retire, or don't ….just keep breathing cause life is no game and dark times are here
I used to play chess as a 3 rd grader to 6 th but it was like casual ass noob chess play. Like i did not know basics. Now im here 5 years later entirely addicted to chess set on 700 elo and grinding.
LOL I was so waiting for the stalemate!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA Bad manners didn't cut it! Nah Levy, you should stay. Only you could show a game like this and keep us wondering. Loved this vid
Honestly, this game was an object lesson in hubris and why you shouldn't play with your food as White had done. Dude really should retire, throwing his whole game away like that.
Not you, though, Levy. You do good.
never resign folks
levy preaching not to resign when i watched him resign due to poor mental in an even position lol
One dimensional Idea 😮 i loved that
if you quit who is gonna keep an archive of these masterpieces?
When the King started t. elling a bedtime story to all the chess pieces, he said, "Once a pawn a time…"♟️
Yeah don’t retire. I learn so much even though I’ve been hard stuck at 500 ELO for the last year. You’re like a library of chess secrets and tricks. It helps so much 😭
Don't retire you're the only chess YouTuber I know and the best😢
This was a necessary reminder from you to all of us to stay humble.
How to farm brilliant moves, crazy queen edition 🔥
Gotham, take a vacation man. Thats all I can say after that game.
I was having dinner and nearly choked when I saw this checkmate.
You should stick around because games like this refresh tour and our lifes!
Oh, Icarus… You had the world. Your hubris has been your undoing.
The white player deserves the loss for the BM. The chess world is not ready to lose you yet, Gotham. Please stay so that you can keep putting bad players like this in their place.
im also done
Answering Mr. Eagle, he should retire for sure. Hilarious, thank you Levi!
I don't want you to quit but I understand if you do after that game
if you leave chess now… so do every chess player. you are the reasen they play chess…
Now get up there and make us laugh!
You should stay because your better than me
Why he room backward
whoever played the white pieces needs to be neutered immediately
7:47 Is e5 a move?
I like your hair.
no plz don't retire
i started playing chess because of my uncle, and he kept using scholars mate so i got better and instead scholar mated him