im sorry

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%1$ Comments524

    That is crazy man , but dont worry stuiped people are everywhere

    This is not disgusting. This is justice.

    I'm not religious but games like this make me believe in karmic justice. Thank you Levy for showing us the consequences of bad sportsmanship

    Don't let their bad manners chess ruin your gift for narrating games.

    Hopefully they learned their lesson.

    It ain't over 'till it's over

    some bunnies were toying around here. Could not find a mate with a bishop and rook??

    Levy pls don’t retire I used to be really bad at chess then I saw your videos and now I am almost 1000 elo. Don’t retire 🥺

    White deserved everything it!
    The reason you should stay is gotham
    And white deserved this! you know it!
    White will never bm again.

    the whites are always lazy in chess as well as life but 1 black pawn is enough to take the whole western turf down

    Hahahahaha! That was brilliant. Definitely saw a stalemate coming

    It would be comical, but honestly, its only 800 ELO.

    You got to remember these idiots are 800 players. So they are either simpletons or they just started playing. Just because they couldn.t put ttwo legos together doesnt mean you should quit giving us exemplary commentary and expertice. I find your videos fun and I try to use them as a learning experience. I am sur that humor should be injuected not disgust.

    You are a great teacher and hansom gent! Stay here or I will name my cat Levy and spritz it with my water bottle every time I watch Carlsen or Batman

    Stupid pathetic show-off! Serves that stupid uncultured unmannered caveman right!

    bullet train was easily my favourite movie of 2022
    highly enjoyable

    I play 2 days a week over the board chess ( local chess club) because of you I won a lot more games, keep going on levy !!

    I am actually crying from seeing how badly this game turn out for white😭😭

    I can't… I can't motivate you bro… I am… Out of words

    Just dont look at r/anarchychess… well, if reddit is online at all🎉

    Why was that " Get out of here " so aggressive 💀

    Omfg🤣,black is an absolute 🗿, delivered a checkmate with a king and one pawn against 3 queens💀

    The end is a Christopher Nolan pay off, fo sho… I think you stick around to write scripts.

    F that guy hahahaha….
    This is super disgusting!!!

    Ps. Karma is a beech!

    Im flabbergasted by the beauty of this game. And don't stop making videos, I'll no longer be able to increase my chess knowledge

    I stalemated a game the other day on purpose because I blundered my Queen.
    Literally shot every single piece I had into the sight line of the enemy (while my king couldn’t move) hoping they would just goldfish-brain take it all. And they did. And it was beautiful.
    I didn’t win, but I sure as hell didn’t lose.

    MAI - Motivation Affirmation Inspiration says:

    Now you've seen it all. Retire! Start a new life.

    You must stick around bcz you bring us joy

    This is a beautiful game with many life lessons that can be observed from it. And the answer to white's question is, "YES".

    you should stick around bc you're the coolest chess content person by far on the net. and a native ny'er ( i assume). people at 800 panic during games and make bad moves, myself included. not a big deal.

    ive been studying chess lately and got to 1950 within 6 months
    idk if thats impressive or not, but its a great accomplishment to me

    In my head I was like “wow white is really gonna stalemate, good for black” and the ending just blew my mind

    i watched the video before committing suicide. now im enjoying the view

    Hey Levy. I’m not using the words you said to make you feel better in the beginning of the video. However I wanted to say thank you for your entertainment videos, which I used to watch them for fun, then my school mentioned a chess tournament and I crushed everyone even though I never played chess over the board. My rating is not that high obviously, I did lose to a Fide rated 1800, but beside of that I beat lots of dudes up. And that only happened because I watched your videos which I love to, and we all appreciate that you put effort in videos. Thank you Leviiii!

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