im sorry
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You cant quit. Bringing us these masterpieces stops us from doing the same
@GothamChess I totally agree with what all you said. But, nevertheless there's to learn on how not to play in the endgame with so many attacking pieces. That's the only bright side of this game, is what I can positively say, my friend.
Levy is pranking us once again…
This is the most fantastic game I've ever seen. Never. Resign.
Me at 17: 40 "Okay, it's going to be a stalemate, what's the big deeee…. hold on, What the……?" LOL!!!😆
We are the best country of Chile bro
I don't know why you're so upset, it's simple, this is kaiba with the 3 blue eyes white dragon and Yu gi oh believing in the heart of the cards, am just glad you can't see my game's
Levy, you should stick around because of the many people, including me, that you inspired to learn and improve at chess. Because of you, I’ve gone from not knowing how to ladder mate, to placing top 3 in a large tournament! On a side note, you’re also the funniest guy on the platform.
I feel like White had just a fun time. If you take his username kind of seriously i could totally see a guy who enjoyed the possibilities instead of the result. Anyway, it was entertaining.
Bruh Gotham literally changed the tittle from should i retire to im sorry while i was watching !!!
I saw it changing……
It happened twice to me on this channel !!!
noooooo don't leave i laughed so hard in every single time
Bro just be my guest to retire from chess.
I found it a it game with Good reaction keep up the great work
U r the best chess commentators in the world by a big margin….
White got what he deserved. He must be crying at home😂 20:56
Three queens and they still lose….that's typical of an 800 elo.
Karma is crazy 😂
I only played chess with my dad. My dad is dead now so you are my dad now
Oh, looks like stalemate.
Levy, I used to play around 1200 years ago but it feels like I forgot everything that used to be instinctual. Any tips to shake the rust off?
The question extends to anyone kind enough to take the time to share as well. Cheers everyone!
U shouldn’t retire from chess bcs Matias is an absolute genius and punished that complete disrespect. Well done Matias if u see this
Where is my mate ?! So many mates ! xD
Another clickbait 😢
In september this year i started chess at 100 elo
Now I am over 1000 elo. I constantly worked hard and got what I wanted
I got to 1000 elo starting from jan 1 st this year in 5 months, never played chess before. You helped me a lot Levy, cheers!🙌
dont leave. i know you wont and you just want the comments but yk. Your content is interesting
This and your video on the two AIs playing against each other is highest level chess edutainment. The chess world and the non-chess world would be missing a piece of art if you'd stop doing these. Keep it up!
White deserves a medal of honor for losing that game.
I cant even, i dont understand how somebody could blunder so hard but then i remember some of my games and i understand everything.
In conclusion: Humans are dumb, sometimes realy realy realy dumb, but thats ok
I thought black was going to win all of whites pieces then stalemate white.
I can see myself playing with the white pieces here
I had one crazy maniac laugh when white hung mate 1. Thanks!
Today's "Get out of here" seemed to be more of the angry type. 9/10
Для начала хочу сказать, что я не хочу тебя отговаривать от твоего прекращения контентмейкинга, ведь я всё это время понимал как много и упорно ты работаешь и я смутно представляю от чего тебе приходилось отказаться ради нас и по моему мнению я просто не имею права на то, чтобы тебя отговаривать от твоего заслуженного отдыха, но если ты продолжишь радовать меня каждый день, то я точно буду не против.) Я начал заниматься шахматами во втором классе, но по настоящему я ими заинтересовался когда увидел видео с тобой и "МАСТЕРОМ ФИДЕЕ МАКСИМОМ АМАРИЕВЫМ" где он орёт свое фирменное "ЗАААААДВИИИНУЛ" и тогда я понял, что хочу заниматься шахматами. Начал смотреть твои ролики, очень приятно удивился когда узнал, что ты говоришь на русском (будет забавно, если ты читать не умеешь). И вот я тут, на пороге к заветной отметке в 1500 ЭЛО, к которой я долго стремился, сижу перед уже остывшими макаронами с курицей в глубинке Башкортостана, понимаю, что ты скорее всего этого не прочтёшь, но всё же хочу сказать:"Спасибо, Леви!"
20:36 I AM DONE
Me when my friend misses the most obvious win because of a pawn:
Please Gotham , don't quit your videos are very helpful. My journey isn't even fully started I am just 650 elo it has been 2 months since I started chess . It was because of you I consider playing chess seriously and after a few lesson from your videos,I first time ever beat my father if you quit than it would be really hard for me and other children like to learn by a professional. So please don't quit gotham.and I am 12
I feel like levy actually has some kind of mental disability after all these games
He seems genuinely mad
but it’s funny and he gets paid for it
Levy you get money for this stay pls
holy shit
Best game ever!
Somos el mejor país de Chile
You just gotta the instant karma this kid got for being an 800 elo kid who needs to flex every time he thinks that he won a game.
Levy please just sac the rook and you will be OK.
Don't worry Levy, it'll only get worse from here.
Levy U described How human greed can cause problems to humans. Never be greedy hoomans or else Levy will destroy you
Like a sexy Tarantino movie, twists and turns I never would've imagined.
it takes two chess legends to create a masterpiece
you get out of your channel
No way a 800 rated can spot that brilliant QxQd4 move!