im sorry

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%1$ Comments524

    When I saw the position at 17:15, I thought White was going to win. When I saw the position at 17:47, I thought stalemate. When Black queened at 18:20, I said this out loud, "I swear if black wins…"

    black won
    I also wanted to quit chess

    Please don't leave gotham. We all love you. You are what made most of us fall in love with chess

    dont quit! ive been playing chess for 2 years now but i forgot about it for a period of time and you helped me get chess back!

    I started chess in December, much like many others. I had no experience but I was finding the game really fun due to this really funny and handsome guy. (Gotham chess) I started with an elo of about 400, but I had a strong goal, to get to 1000 before the end of the year. Through Gotham's guidance I am now 1100 in June.

    I feel your rage, Levy but look at the positive side. Chess is more popular now, more people play it and thus more content to make

    It called Karma, there's nothing disgusting with it

    We need you to learn both english and chess in a way that is full of fun. Do not stop what you are doing. Peace 😀😀😀

    get this video to 100k likes and gotham has to stay

    You were the reason I played chess and sometimes I forget to play but you are the one who reminded me if you stop I stop

    I'm a mid 600 rating and I'm embarrassed at the conclusion to this game, but it's funny to laugh at the gloaters who were winning but lost because they gloated.

    Comedy = Tragedy + Time. And White kept Black alive for a LONG time, so his long-time-coming tragedy was hilarious.

    So we're half way through the video already. Im getting that you are disappointed with missed opportunities.
    End of the video, almost, seems like you're upset that white abused black. And black ended up check mating white.
    Actually end of video, lolz the most disgusting thing you've seen? What about ''the chess speaks for itself'' 😅
    Love your videos, you inspire me to play better chess, whether I can or not 😂 – you'll obviously be making more chess videos Levy, who do you think you're kidding? Good luck. Hope you got lots of comments 🤞

    Levy, listen, you're a boon to the whole community and a straight up necessity for many, beginners or otherwise.

    Your energy gave me the motivation to improve myself at chess, despite the blunders showed on your GTE games.

    Please do not quit. We all appreciate and need your content. We all love ya. Please remain with us

    And don't worry about that endgame. This video is enough proof of what you said

    I can be so good at chess I think in 7-10 years you will win the FIDE World Chess Championship

    I was fooled. I was like oh it’s going to be a draw that’s crazy. Then black checkmated and I scream laughed

    Levy, you should continue because you make chess interesting and funny! Many people started watching chess because of Botez sisters and you.

    White should’ve deleted his account and quit playing chess

    I 've looked at this for 5 hours now. It's beautiful.

    Whenever you're reading this comment and whoever you are, I'm probably still rofling after seeing that.

    Bro what ? Just what the hell was that ? 💀 RIP my brain 💀

    To be absolutely fair, that game did make me want to throw an ICBM.

    Stockfish seems to think so as well.

    The fact that Ghotam retires from chess made me want to retire from life

    because of you I started playing chess + your tactics helped me to get 1000 ello ,I'm definitely not the best player ,but your videos really helped me to be better at chess and finding a new hobby

    If you took a shot for every Gotham video that starts out "I'm sorry", you'd be dead from alcohol poisoning.

    Please do not leave i was inspired by you to not give up on chess even in the worst moments.

    thanks to you I managed to get my father, (a physics doctor) into chess, and beat him. The only problem was I was -4 in a rook endgame and it was a daily game

    Instead, this game shows us how fair chess is and how it punishes insolent players. It's not worth getting angry, just laughing. Keep going by inspiring all of us!

    What?!! I was really expecting stalemate but when my mind blew up🤯

    Don’t quit. I started playing chess again because of you. You made chess such a good experience and I really love watching your videos, where I can laugh but also learn very important stuff for my own games. Your community needs you

    This is not that simple!!! My twin boys are 5 and learned a couple of things already about chess. I took them to my chess club, of course, to the children's section. One of my sons played his first ever (rapid) game in his life. He destroyed completely his opponent who had only a king left, and my son was just promoting, promoting, like as if he had a promotion code or something. It was just about to end this with a stalemate accidentally. So the arbiter came and started to talk to my son that this was unfair and he should finish the game asap. And my son honestly responded that it was his first chess game, he does not even know many things including how to give a checkmate. He just knew that he should promote 1-2 queens in the end and figure it out, but there were so may pawns to promote, so he promoted them all. Why not?

    Levi, you are an amazing chess player. I stopped playing chess for 4 years, but when your videos were put in my recommended I started playing again, and now I am the best in my school soly because of your videos. Pls continue making videos.

    Don’t retire man you got me into chess because of your videos I’m 700 elo I reached it in 2 Months of watching u

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