im sorry

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%1$ Comments524

    I'm not very good at chess, and at one point I started thinking "Should I just give up?". But that's when I came across your channel. I didn't get much better at chess, but I enjoy watching you screaming like Mickey Mouse at random chess games. If you do quit, because of these small things, you're going to lose your audience. It's going to get smaller and smaller, and you're not going to like it. That's why I heavily encourage you to not leave us. Not right now at least.

    Oh, and if this is a joke, then oh BOY it's a sick one man.

    He deserved what he got. I am improving a lot watching yoyr videos and chessbrahs too. It's invaluable what you're doing, don't give up.

    Over the last year I doubled my Elo by learning the French defense and Vienna

    We’re gonna get through this Levi!

    Hi, I’m from Denmark, one of the countries where Uber is banned, it was “banned” because the danish taxi companies are very heavily regulated by the government, so Uber decided they didn’t want a part that, so they shut down operations in Denmark.

    i started playing chess in late march, 2 and a half months later, im 560 and game rewiew today gave me 1050 elo on a game

    Oh heck man, id probably quit to, oh wait, I'm quitting for a day

    @GothamChess, this game is just another evidence of "karma"

    i would tell you nice things but i can't think of any so you might as well just quit

    I started playing chess like 3 years ago with 1200 elo, then i paused for half a year and started again, but now i play like a 300 elo. Shrug

    Ghotam I found out that you can beat any bot if you put yourpawns in front of their pawns

    Why are you even angry? Black won, we got a happy ending!

    You were what actually got me into chess at the beginning of this year, I didn't even know how to play chess but your videos were (and are!) so fun and even educational! You should keep up the great job! If you need a little break, consider it at least!
    Don't give up! For example, in the past 2 weeks I got my first two brilliant moves (even if I'm still a moron with 600 elo), so if I can do something like that I'm sure it's worth keep going!

    I got into chess becouse of you please dont stop. your the funniest ChessTuber i can name. i love your content and you thought me so much love you

    I feel like people in America don't know what capitalism is.

    I loved how it ended! This isn't disgusting! It's justice!

    I was dealing with the loss of my Mom a year and a half ago right around the time I re-discovered chess. It was such a positive distraction in between the times I was working through things. Back then I was rated 600 and had a life goal of making it to 1000. I'm so happy to say that, largely due to learning about the game from gotham chess videos, I am now rated 1240! Thanks for everything you do Levy

    Levy i started playing chess and began watching ur content since 2021 ur amazing and 1 week ago i got a silver medal in a real life chess tournaments thank u!

    This is the very reason why you should stick around 😂😂😂😂. Never resign 😂

    I still stink at chess but watching your videos every day is one of the nice parts of the day!

    “And I’m not really sure if opening up the A file there is the best thing but okay! Matias does what Matias wants” 😂😂💀

    Levi, in all honesty, you are a fucking legend! Your enthusiasm about chess rubs on to us! The day you stop doing this will be a very sad day

    A new level of chess games, we did it guys, bravo

    Levy chess World NEEDS you . Your iconic reactions and the beautiful Russian accent always get me , i never get bored watching your videos 💗.
    For the rook's sake don't leave 🥹

    Nah bro, it’s a really cool game anyone lucky to see. Haha, i thought it’s end in stalemate too. 😂.

    Levy, you only get to quit after you get your GM title. You don't get the easy way out, we're rooting for you my man. I went from an 800-900 player to about 1100-1200 so you don't get to quit.

    Only thing you can do is just try to get over it, I know, its bad. It's just a game afterall and its 2023 chess is more wild than ever and if you quit then how are we gonna learn chess….really, just dont.

    Always wanted to play chess but never really applied myself, when I was 40 I downloaded a chess app, was getting killed..

    Started looking around online for some help, found a YouTube named Levy Roman who ran a channel called Gotham chess…

    During the last year and half I've watched a lot of your videos, got my elo up to 685, lost 11 in a row at that time, fell below 600…

    Stopped playing for a week or two and then started the grind again, got up to 693 and was so excited I was about to break 700…

    From there I lost a lot, I fell down to 563 lol…

    I'm to old to ever get good at chess probably but I still watch your videos, not so much to learn chess anymore but it's good content, gives me a break from watching the news, it's like watching a good TV show…

    So thanks dude…

    I think Anna has a beautiful (and huge) smile. Shes a good chess youtuber too. Wait what was I supposed to comment on again?

    Not every game can be won but it definitely can be lost.

    30 seconds and I feel bad for your Gotham , we love your stuff

    You bad persson .. xd.. I thought it's a stalemate too

    Video Summary———————————————————————————————————————————–
    The video is about a chess game that deeply disturbed the creator.

    The game involves a Danish Gambit and a series of questionable moves by both players.

    The protagonist, playing as black, makes some crucial mistakes and falls under serious pressure.

    White misses opportunities to capitalize on the advantage and plays defensively.

    The game ends with white making multiple queens but ultimately getting checkmated.

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