INSANE 9999 Elo Bot
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Brah stockfish is better
this bot is stream snipping 💀
Your reaction when bishop takes rook 😂🤣💀
12:18 you are what?
9:27 Re3 ? It seems good to me…
Let me check my ayea …..u know
17:21 bro the disrespect
i thought 9999 was chatgpt
Mate him with the pawn!!!
12:19 💀💀💀💀
Meagan evolved
yesterday i checkmated mittens with only premoves
levi: nobody asked
Difference between 1:14 and 2:03 is hilarious 😂
Hi LandoMando21
12:18 racist
Gay lario!?!?!
9999 Elo Bot is the GOAT
17:23 Someone give Oscar to HIM 😂😂😂
stockfish vs star plumber
Please make it play against stockfish
I have 1000 elo and last day I play my second brilliant move
Ngl I pissed my self when the bot said checkmate in 34 moves as soon as I moved my knight
1:29*nice bot, it’s like me*.
I don't really understand what these nominal elo numbers are supposed to mean or if these bots are even better than StockFish. I guess it's all for fun though so carry on. Don't mind me
Levy we need a mittens vs star plumber
Star Plumber is just Levy on steroids
The move i played was a briljant move
Sorry what i ment to say was I,m a 500 and i was playing against a 1000 elo bot and i played a move that a 2100 would play I,m 9
Oh look…. only took 47 moves as white…. Mittens was better.
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. g3 c5 4. d5 exd5 5. cxd5 b5 6. e4 Nxe4 7. Bg2 Nd6 8. Bf4 Be7 9. Nf3 O-O 10. O-O Nc4 11. Nc3 b4 12. d6 Bxd6 13. Bxd6 Nxd6 14. Qxd6 bxc3 15. bxc3 Qb6 16. Qf4 d5 17. Ne5 Be6 18. c4 f6 19. Rab1 Qa6 20. Nd3 Nd7 21. cxd5 Bf7 22. Qc7 Rad8 23. Nxc5 Nxc5 24. Qxc5 Rc8 25. Qe7 Rfe8 26. Qb4 Rcd8 27. Rfd1 Bh5 28. Rd2 Bg6 29. Rc1 Rb8 30. Qd4 Qa3 31. Rdd1 Bh5 32. Rf1 Rb6 33. Rc7 Ra6 34. Rfc1 Ra4 35. Qd2 Qxa2 36. R7c2 Qa3 37. d6 Ra6 38. d7 Qf8 39. dxe8R Bxe8 40. Bd5+ Kh8 41. Rc8 g5 42. R1c7 Ra3 43. Qc2 Ra1+ 44. Kg2 Rg1+ 45. Kxg1 Qf7 46. Rxf7 f5 47. Rxe8#
The move i played was a briljant move
I'm very Surprise That im a 400 Rated Chess player and Beat this Bot in 1 game And Accidentally Checkmated Him in 15 Moves. ;-;
I played assisted mode against this bot and played only the top engine moves. Funnily the endgame report said I played at 91% while it played at 81%. 😂
AlplaZero didn't self-destruct after losing to Super Plumber, it did that after hearing your Mario impression 😂😂😂
6:04 AYO
I,m a 500 and i was playing against 1000 elo bot and played a move a 2100 would play today i,m 9
If you are on a laptop/computer, hold the number key "1", to hear a robot wrecking mittens.
Now hold "2" to hear a fire killing stockfish with steam.
Now hold "4" to hear a train walking on Star plumber.
Now hold "5" to hear errors at the chess world.
Now hold "6" to hear machinery lagging.
Now press 7 every second to hear people playing chess say "oh god".
The world is ending…
আজকে য়ানিপনিশি দিলেন না?
they gotta check your what?
Vegeta was so surprised when he saw that this bots elo was over 9000.
That’s literally you
Here's another interesting game as black against 9999 as white.. he said mate in 64 moves when he made his first move lol…
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. O-O Nf6 5. d4 Bxd4 6. Nxd4 Nxd4 7. Be3 Nc6 8. Nc3 d6 9. Nd5 Nxd5 10. exd5 Ne7 11. f4 exf4 12. Bxf4 O-O 13. Qh5 Ng6 14. Rae1 Qf6 15. Be5 Bg4 16. Bxf6 Bxh5 17. Bd4 f6 18. Bd3 Rfe8 19. Rxe8+ Rxe8 20. b3 b6 21. h3 Ne5 22. Bb5 Re7 23. Kh2 Bf7 24. c4 Be8 25. Ba6 Nd3 26. Bc8 Re2 27. a3 Bg6 28. Bg4 Rd2 29. Kg3 Kf7 30. Rd1 Rc2 31. Rf1 Nc1 32. Bd1 Rd2 33. Ba1 Ra2 34. Bd4 Rxa3 35. Bb2 Ne2+ 36. Kf3 Ra2 37. Bxf6 Be4+ 38. Ke3 Ng3 39. Bd8+ Nxf1+ 40. Kxe4 Rxg2 41. Bxc7 Rd2 42. Bg4 Ke7 43. Bb8 Rb2 44. Bd1 Ra2 45. Kf4 Nd2 46. Ke3 Nxb3 47. Bxb3 Ra3 48. Ke4 Rxb3 49. Bxa7 Kd7 50. h4 Kc7 51. h5 Rh3 52. h6 Rxh6 53. Kd3 Kb7 54. Bxb6 Kxb6 55. Kd4 Rh4+ 56. Ke3 Kc5 57. Kd2 Rxc4 58. Ke3 Kxd5 59. Kf2 Ke4 60. Kg2 Rc2+ 61. Kf1 Ke3 62. Kg1 Kf3 63. Kh1 Kg3 64. Kg1 Rc1#
It aint 9999 stockfish beat it.
The bot isn't gonna play rook triple ladder mate
It's just playing what Levy's doing: Pawn to h2 mate
Levy once said: when there's a pawn mate, you must play it or else I'm disappointed
Hello sir, i am a young french player and a big fan of yours. I love your videos and i think you are very funny.
I saw you playing in Washington square, will you go there one Day between the 14th and 19th of may by any chance ? I am coming to NY and hope to see you and maybe play with you.
Good afternoon.
I feel so good after watching these two games 😂!
Put it against stock fish
The 2nd mate was personal
Feel like levy got blacker this one.
Star Plumber vs chatGPT same elo lets see who wins